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Tape 1.
Act quiet and shy, don't let them notice you. Keep your head down and get your work done.

Tape 2.
Keep conversation short. They noticed you.

Tape 3.
You'll have to act clean. Pull down those long sleeves.

Tape 4.
Smile and laugh but don't make yourself a fool.

Tape 5.
Cry and slide down the door outside. Don't let them see your painful side.
Walk back in put on that smile. You're okay really you're fine.

Tape 6.
A bandage and stitch. Your off to hospital cause you fallen in a ditch.

Tape 7.
Your still playing pretend. Forgotten  who you really are..wishing you're dead perhaps not in heaven.

Tape 8.
Everyone says you're great.  A kind happy person that everyone adores.. What they don't see is who I am behind my bedroom door.

Tape 9.
I've run out of time.. The end of the year is near. Everyone has noticed.. You're not doing fine.. They worry and ask If you're alright. It's an every day question.. And you feel so dead inside. But you smile and wave and tell the same reply

" I'm okay, I'm fine really I'm just tired."

Tape 10.
This is the end. You made it through another year of school..

MindFulMess .5 (Growing up Series)Where stories live. Discover now