Chapter 2: The blockage of wind

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Meghna ignores the blockage of wind.

She looks at front and then continues writing.

Her phone vibrates. Her mother calls her. She picks up quickly.

-"Where are you? When will you be returning? How do you become so irresponsible? Left the room, without informing in an unknown place! "

-"Please cool down. I will be back in fifteen minutes. I am sitting on the beach right in front of our hotel, don't worry unnecessarily. "

-"Come just now. "

Sonali, Meghna's mother disconnects the phone without letting her speak a word.

Meghna understands her agony and decides to leave.

She looks up and turns her face right.

She becomes astonished for a while.

A young guy is standing and peeping into her diary.

She closes her diary instantly.

Sun is in a position that shadow has not fallen on her diary to make her aware. Now she gets the reason why wind was blocked.

The guy smiles and says, 'Why did you close it? You write very good. I was lost in it. '

She stands up, prepares to leave and says, 'Thank you. ' She starts walking fast towards her hotel.

The guy tries to get into a conversation.

- 'You are a tourist here? '
- 'Yes'
-'Where are you from?? '
-'West Bengal'
-'Am a tourist too from Mumbai'

Meghna stays silent. She is not interested in a conversation with a stranger at a new place. She gives a rough look at him and walks hastily.

Her mood of writing gets ruined.
She crosses the beach, reaches the road and finally near her hotel.

The guy keeps quiet for a while, but follows her. He actually noticed her from the day before yesterday. He is in the same hotel.

He says,' I am at the same hotel.'

She looks at him. Then leaves.

She walks towards her own room.

The guy thinks, ' She is so rude! ' and walks off.

Meghna on reaching her room, thinks maybe she got very rude but finds no reason to interact with him.

Ultimately he is a stranger.

Sachin, has come with his parents on a tour. He leaves for breakfast.

Meghna on reaching her home, gets a tight scolding. She stays quiet. The plot is still working on her mind. She continues to write.

Soham knocks Meghna's door. Soham is her cousin, first year college student.

He rushes into the room and snatches her diary from her hand.

Meghna stops him and tries to get hold of the diary.

A tug of war begins between them.

Soham has a bad habit of criticizing her writing and plot. But on wattpad and instagram he keeps liking them. He likes to pull her legs.

He enjoys seeing her sister getting angry and shouting at him.

They move to the corridor. The hotel owner passes by. Seeing him, they stop.

Sachin, completing his breakfast, is returning to his room. He has already befriended Soham. But he never wished to see the rude lady's face again.

-"What's up Brother? "
-"Nothing. What's up with you? "

Meghna takes the opportunity, snatches her diary, and gets into her room.

-"She is my sister. A bit rude, but good at heart. "
-"Seems so. "

Meghna, Sonali, Soham and her mother have to check out in the evening and head towards Somnath.

1.00 pm.

At lunch today, Meghna notices Sachin. She thinks to tell a sorry for being rude. But again thinks avoiding would be a better option.

She does not want any new friend. She is tired of talking to new people. She doesn't want a story of her own but wants to create a one. She has got a good lesson.

Finally, she thinks to say sorry, which will not be a big deal, cause she will be leaving soon.

-"Hey, am sorry, if I had been rude, at morning. "

Sachin thought maybe his brother was right.

-"It is fine. I should have not bothered you, but you write well. "

-"Thanks! "

6.30 pm

Meghna is checking out.

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