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It was nightfall in the floating city of Laketown. The dwarves were sneaking through the town toward the armory, hiding from any watchmen they came across. They hid behind a boat as two watchmen walk by.

"Shh! Keep it down." Dwalin said quietly

"As soon as we have the weapons, we make straight for the mountain. Go, go, go!" Thorin ordered, his voice low and gruff.

With the watchmen gone, Thorin pointed to Nori, who swiftly began running up the pyramid of dwarves who have pressed themselves against the walls of the city armory. He was able to get high enough that he could reach a second floor window and dived through.

"Next." Thorin ordered, as he stood beside the tower of dwarfs with Draco strapped securely to his chest.

Bilbo was next. He ran with as much speed he could muster before he reached the inside of the tower.

Soon, several dwarves were stationed in the armory, and they began collecting the weapons stored there. Kili struggled under a load of several different weapons, and quickly noticing his discomfort, Thorin studied him with worry as he handed him another one.

"You all right?"

"I can manage. Let's just get out of here." Kili replies with a weak smile. His young face, drawn tight as he fought back the pain.

Thorin looked at Kili carefully, then he laid another sword on the pile Kili was holding. Kili began walking down the stairs, but his wounded leg gave way beneath him and he fell with a cry. The weapons made a terrible clanging noise as they hit the floor, and the dwarves both inside and outside looked around warily. In the distance, the watchmen, upon hearing a noise, rush to investigate.

"Run!" Dori whispered urgently

The dwarves still outside began to run, but were stopped, before they could make it even a few feet, by two watchmen pointing pikes at them. Bilbo and the dwarves in the armory grabbed weapons as they tried to make a quick escape, but several other guards pointed pikes at them too. Braga, the captain of the guard, was holding Kili with a dagger to his throat. Kili looked down, sadly and guiltily at Thorin.

Alfrid poked his head out of the door to the Master's mansion to see the commotion. Once he saw the soldiers dragging the dwarves to the mansion, with multitudes of townspeople following behind, he smiled wickedly and moved to address his master. It was beginning to snow and the dwarfs chances, did not look favorable.

"Get off of me!" Dealing growled out

Lots of indistinct muttering and yelling was heard as Alfrid closed the door to his masters chambers.

Meanwhile, Braga began arrangeing all of the dwarves under guard in the town square before the doors of the mansion, as guards opened the doors of the mansion to allow the Master, not fully dressed, a chance to see his guests.

"What is the meaning of this?"
His huge face, contorted in grim sneer as he studied the figures around him.

"We caught 'em stealing weapons, sire." Braga answered, bowing his head slightly to politely nod at the Master.

"Ah. Enemies of the state, then." The Master grinned.

"This is a bunch of mercenaries if ever there was, sire." Alfred whispered softly.

Dwalin, who was standing nearest to them, heard the comment and was filled with rage as he gazed upon the people who dared to mock his king.

"Hold your tongue. You do not know to whom you speak. This is no common criminal, this is Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror!"

Elves and Dwarves (part 2)Where stories live. Discover now