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"Hello everyone, I'm not dead! I'm sorry that I haven't been on Wattpad for so long but this year has been hectic. I'm going to try and make posting chapters somewhat regularly a priority for this upcoming year but I may no be able to post very often as I am entering a very important year in my school career but I will keep posting. 😊" ~ horseshoe

The Master opened his arms in welcome, and the crowd erupted in cheers. Their faces alight with promises of hope and redemption, while Bard looks on silently.

"You have doomed us all." He whispered as he gazed at the King, climbing down a few steps, he began to raise his voice to just be barely heard over the jeering crowd, "You will learn to regret this... I only hope you see reason before you kill us all."

The young elfing looks on in sadness. Neither of the two men spare her a glance as they gaze at one another. Each with a different expression as they regard each other.

"Good luck, my Lord." And with that Bard turns and leaves, the young elfling trails a few steps behind him before her path is intercepted by Balin.

"Let him go, young Lassie. You can't reason with him, leave him to his own thoughts. Heaven knows they're troubled enough."


It is morning in Laketown. A beautiful cluster of bright red,orange,yellows and blues fill the sky as people crowd along the sides of the main channel as a small boat is being loaded with supplies.

"You do know we're one short, where's Bofur?" Bilbo asks, pacing along the docks as he wrings his hands together with a worried expression morphing his face, "We mustn't leave without him."

"If he's not here, we leave him behind." Thoron says softly as he draws to a stop beside the nervous hobbit. His hands preoccupied with attempting to calm the fighting elfling he held in the sling strapped securely along his chest, "What's gotten into you?"

A simple glare is his only reply.

"You can't just leave him!"

Upon seeing Bilbos horrified expression, Balin quipped in an attempt to settle his small friends frayed nerves,"We have to, if we're to find the door before nightfall. We can risk no more delays."

Bilbo shoots a worried glance towards the direction of the Bards house.

"Do you think he's right, about the prophecy I mean?"

Thorin pauses his wrestle he was attempting with his feisty companion. Cocking his head to the side he asked: "Why do you inquire about the Bard, does he worry you?"

"No, it's just, I have a bad feeling is all, and I wonder if maybe we shouldn't be so hasty to leave..."

"We need to beat nightfall, otherwise all is for nought!" Thorin snapped, his temper finally slipping a bit. Shooting a heart stopping withering look, he brings her up to his eye level.



Together the dwarfs stand beside the Chanel, all decked out in regal clothing and armor. They march along the pier, in-between the 'adoring' crowd as they make their way to wards their boat. As they begin to board, Thorin stops Kili with a touch of his hand to his chest, before he can get in the boat.

"Not you. We must travel with speed, you will slow us down." He says softly, his face softening with a look of sorrow as he regards his youngest nephew, "I'm so sorry."

"What are you talking about? I'm coming with you."


Fili, already in the boat, turns and looks at Thorin and Kili.

"I'm going to be there when that door is opened, when we first look upon the halls of our fathers, Thorin." He pleads, a look of desperation painted across his pale face.

"Kili, stay here. Rest. Join us when you're healed." Thoron pleads in return.

Thorin lays his hand on Kili's shoulder and smiles reassuringly at him, but Kili can only look on, a feeling of shock and betrayal settling deep in his stomach.

"Kili!" Calls a young voice, small and fragile against the loud whisper of the crowds.

"Hush little one, he will rejoin us once he is fit to travel."

Thorin turns to board the boat as Kili turns away, all the while the young elfling tugs fruitfully at the straps of her sling with a sole attempt to join the youngest royalty. Oin gets out of the boat.

"I'll stay with the lad. My duty lies with the wounded."

"Uncle, we grew up on tales of the mountain. Tales you told us. You can't take that away from him!"

On the shore, Oin is examining a struggling Kili, but Kili is trying desperately to pull away from him, eager to get on the boat.

"Fili." Thorin scolds softly as he tries to sidestep his uncle, still struggling with holding his small charge.

"I will carry him, if I must!"

"One day you will be king, and you will understand. I cannot risk the fate of this quest for the sake of one dwarf, not even my own kin."

Fili looks at Kili, then steps out of the boat. Thorin tries to stop him.

"Fili, don't be a fool. You belong with the Company."

"I belong with my brother." He snaps back.

Fili pulls away roughly from Thorin and goes to join Kili and Oin.

The musicians of Laketown begin to play their instruments as the Master climbs up to a raised platform. He waves, and the people cheer and clap.

Further away in a house in the town, a sleeping Bofur is awoken up by the sound of the music. He is asleep under a table, and as he jolts upright, he smacks his head on the bottom of the table.

"By my beard, is that the time? Oh, ugh." He says as he scrambles up unsteadily and runs out the door, grabbing a glass of drink on his way.

Up on the docks, the Master address the people as Bofur runs as fast as he can toward the crowd.

"...Bring good fortune to all!"

The Master smiles and waves to the dwarves in the boat as they pull into the canal and begin to paddle away. Kili looks on miserably from the dock. The dwarves in the boat smile, wave, and bow at the cheering people but the small face of the elfling is just visible above the opening of the sling on the kings chest, her sorrowful gaze focused solely on the youngest nephew, a sinking feeling settled deep in her stomach.

"I must stay with him."

"Goodbye!" Calls Dori, hi voice drowning al others around him.

Bofur pushes his way through the townspeople and reaches the water, only to find the boat of dwarves far off down the canal. He turns and finds Kili, Fili, and Oin.

"Ah! So you missed the boat as well?"

Suddenly, Kili drops. His sudden descent towards the unforgiving earth pulls a startled cry from his brother who manages to catch him before he hits the floor.

"Kili? Kili!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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