Part 8

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     I heard banging a little while after Jax had left I slowly got up to open the door. Juice rushed in and shut the door and pulled me into a hug before he pulled away to get a better look at me, you could see the anger on his face as he saw my arm and face he took us to the couch and sat down beside me pulling me into his side. 

"I'm sorry this happened to you, I'm going to make sure they both pay." he said to me as he placed a kiss on me head "I'll come by tonight to your place okay, I have the extra key you gave me awhile ago" he said as my mom stormed in to the office. "I'll see you tonight, I don't want to be alone" I said looking at Juice "I'm not going to leave you alone. I'll never leave you" He said as he gave me a kiss on the head and went out of the office leaving me and Gem alone.

"You okay baby? Jax told me everything" She said sitting behind her desk. "What do you think mom?" I thru back at her with bitterness in my voice "You just take this and burry it inside of you, you use this to make you stronger not weaker and not into a junkie and I'm going to make sure of that" She said as she passed me a joint. I lit it and smoked it her words repeating it self in my head over and over again, this is what she always did to me, Jax and Clay she would get into our heads and her voice would never leave so you end up doing what she wants you too do and she fully knew what she was doing.

I felt myself relax as the joint was coming to its end, I leaned back and looked out the window seeing all the guys about to get onto their bikes fully knowing what they were about to do and I didn't give a shit those two needed to get this. Like Gemma said I'm not going to let this break me it'll make me stronger and one shot isn't going to turn me into some junkie whore, I was thankful that Andy and Ally were more than likely going to be ten feet into the ground by the end of the day.


     It wasn't that hard to track down Andy he was at this place, as we got off of our bikes we split up Clay, Chibs, Tig, and Bobby were going to enter thru the back door as myself, Juice and Opie were going to go in from the front of the door we also brought Half-sack with us to keep an eye out. We had silencers on our guns and were ready for blood from this jackass who thought it was okay to hurt our princess.

We gave the signal to each other as I kicked the front door in looking both ways not seeing where he was as we walked down the hall way you could hear moaning coming from the bed room, I kicked that door in as Ally turned around with a shocked look on her face and climbed off of Andy. 

"Surprised to see us darlin'" I said with a smirk on my face "What the hell are you doing in my house ass" Andy said pissed off as he got off of the bed and put on his boxers. "What you thought you could do the shit you did and not get a visit from us?"

Ally tried running away but Juice grabbed her as his eyes went to the needle and bottle on the dresser beside him. "You aren't going anywhere" he told her as he passed her to Opie as he got the needle ready filling it all the way up, with the amount he was filling it up you fully knew that she would OD from it. He took the needle stabbed it into her arm as she kicked and screamed, Opie dropped her onto the ground as her body went numb with the drugs taking over her body.

Andy had a shocked look on his face "I forgot you didn't know, we aren't only a biker club" I said with a smirk as I went and grabbed him and took him to the kitchen placed him on a chair, as Tig and Chibs tied him down onto the chair "Let the fun begin" I said with a smile as I went and grabbed a knife from his kitchen. This fucker was going to pay and all of us were going to take turns with it.

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