Chapter 1

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A house was sold in the quiet mountain town of South Park as a new family moved in. "Well, I think that's everything," a man told his wife as he took the last boxes from the movers.

"We did it, hon, we're finally moved in!" the woman agreed as she hugs her husband happy of their new home.

"It's a new beginning for us. Things are finally going to be good!" the husband told his wife smiling at her.

"Do you really think it will be better for....her?" the wife questioned, placing a hand on her chest worried about her only daughter.

They turn their gaze upstairs where their daughter is in her new room, "They won't look for her here. We just need to make sure she doesn't attract any attention. Come on, let's see how she's doing," the man reassured his wife but she gave him a look.

"You and I both know they will not rest until they find her. She needs to learn how to defend herself with her-" the woman tried to reason with her husband until he interrupted her.

"The answer is still No! End of discussion," he snapped before stomping up the stairs as the woman ignores what her husband told her as she will train their daughter to accept her gift that she was born with.

Calmly walking up the stairs since her husband was waiting for her, she knocks on her daughter's door, "Kira, sweetie? Hon, you all dressed?" the woman asked her child through the door. She heard a loud muffled hum of approval to enter their daughter's bedroom.

Once they entered the room, a fourteen year old girl with short layered dyed brown hair and green eyes wearing a white tee shirt with a black long sleeved jacket, grey jeans and brown knee high boots. "Hey, champ. How do you like your new room?!" Kira's father asked. Kira shrugged her shoulders in response as she remains quiet staring at her father emotionless, sitting on the floor reading Lord of the Rings and the Fellowship of the Ring. "I know it's a big change for all of us, but.....champ, do you REMEMBER why we moved to this quiet little mountain town?" her father questioned, Kira taps her book quietly signalling to her mother that Kira needs to talk to her in private. "She doesn't remember, good," her father whispered to his wife as she and Kira mentally rolled their eyes at him.

Playing along she whispers back, "She doesn't remember at all-"

"That's good. That's good she doesn't remember," he whispered.

"Sweetie, we want you to have lots of fun here. Why don't you go out and make some friends?" Kira's mother told her daughter as she discreetly taps twice on her right thigh signalling her daughter back.

"Right, get outside and PLAY, Kira. Like...... like normal kids," her father agreed.

'How can I be normal when I'm more abnormal than normal?' Kira thought as she keeps up her emotionless facade on her father.

"We got some money for you on the kitchen counter, sweetie. Just..... be back before it gets dark," her mother added.

Her emotionless facade angered her father, "Yeah, we love you too," he sarcastically replied.

After Kira's father walked away angrily, her mother gently closed the door and sits next to Kira, "He said no again didn't he?" Kira muttered. She was frustrated at her father thinking that the people searching for her would stop but Kira and her mother knew better that the people hunting for Kira will not stop until they have her in their grasp.

"Yes, but that doesn't stop me from training you on how to control your gifts and how to defend yourself. If you ever faced them again. Just like she would've wanted," her mother explained as she almost burst into tears by the last thing she said.

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