Chapter 1

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We've been monitoring her for months. She's been in the asylum for 264 days and we're  watching for any signs of acute metal instability, or physical aggression.

We haven't found anything, so we decided to send in our solider choice for the mission, Adam Kent.

Me and Aaron both have reservations about him, but believe he'd be best for the job. He volunteered, saying he knew her from school, making this the perfect experiment.

There are some very important and classified details I have yet to mention to my brother. Details that he has long since forgotten, but not at his own will.

He was forced to. There's no guarantee I wasn't either, but not to the same extent, no.

I don't remember the details with perfect clarity, but I know enough.

I believe I was 7, and he was trying to protect me, from our father. I know it was one of our birthdays, and we always knew what to expect on those dreadful times, his intentions. I know we were with our mother, the only person who really, truly cared for us. Now the roles have been reversed, and it is us who cares for her.

We're doing everything we can, but there's so little that can help anymore, in her condition. That's why it is so important this experiment works out, so we can finally be productive in her care, help her for what she's lost.

And Juliette Ferrars has the answers. She has too. She's our last chance. Her lethal skin and inability to touch others without causing unmasked pain is so similar to our mother.

But she's always been a fighter. My brothers voice pulls me back to the present.

"She's hardly said a word since he's entered. She seems afraid of him, and hasn't showed any signs of bad temperament."

He sighs, "It doesn't make sense."

I'm standing beside him, looking at the cameras. "Well," I say, making a clicking noise with the roof of my mouth, "If she hasn't said or done anything to suggest she'll make an attempt on his life, or at the very least, attack him, then I'm thinking either one of two things."

I feel him nod beside me, just once, and out of my peripheral vision, see him narrow his eyes as if the answer might just pop out of the screen.

"She's either planning something,-" I say, and Aaron finishes my sentence, "Or she's not crazy."

This time I nod, "Exactly."

It worries me a little. He's been so focused on this project, on Juliette, that sometimes I wonder if it's about more than just helping our mother.

My whole life I've been able to sense others emotions fairly easily, just as my brother has. But when you get to know someone as well as I know my brother, their minds are like an open book, and no amount of our fathers training will allow him to hide his emotions from me.

However, these past few weeks have been different. He's been acting strange, not himself. I don't know how to explain it in a way anyone would understand, I just know.

"Well, we'll keep an eye on the development in the next few weeks. See what we stumble upon."

His voice sounds matter-of-factly, a little odd. "Yes. We'll just have to see."


Two weeks fly by, and Juliette has become more cooperative, and friendly towards Kent, which means it's time to bring them in.

I send in the soldiers, ordering them to be careful, but to use whatever means necessary to keep her detained.

Me and Aaron are waiting in a somewhat civilized room somewhere in the asylum, for her to come in. We hear 3 knocks at the door, and then it swings open. They walk in carrying a thin, frail girl who's sleeping. It looks as if she's fainted, harnessing new bruises. Aaron is about to speak, but I'm faster.

"What the hell did you do?"My jaw is set, gun drawn, face imperturbable. The two soldiers, Seamas Fletcher, and Javier Gomez, take an involuntary step backwards.

I can sense their fear, and hate at the same time. Me and my brother are the two most hated people in the Sector, and I can't recall a time when that wasn't the case.

"I told you to be careful. Was she giving any trouble?" My voice is made of ice. "Well-no. She wouldn't comply. She didn't want to leave private Kent, ma'am. And when she found out he was a solider, she fainted."

Fletcher says this.

I lick my lips, stare at them for a minute longer, and walk away, so swiftly they almost trip over their own feet to face me. "Lackeys," I mumble, just loud enough for them to hear me.

It's Gomez who speaks next. "Should we wake her?" Aaron answers before I get the chance.

"No. We need to bring her to another room, more secure. If she's truly upset about Private Kent then we have no idea what she might try and do."

But as he says the words, I can sense they're not true. I've always been able to tell whether he's lying or not. He knows this. No, that's not why he won't wake her up. He wants her to rest.

I can't say I disagree, but this is a time sensitive matter. Once the soldiers leave, I spin around to face my brother.

"What the hell?" I whisper-yell. He raises his eyebrows, widens his eyes, just slightly.

"What?" I stare at him, shake my head.

"Don't play dumb, Aaron. We only have so much time. I get it, she's been through shit, but haven't we all? She can go a few more hours without sleep."

We stare at each other for a long time, then, his shoulders slump, and he lets out a small breath.

He runs a hand through his carefully done hair, "I know, Alex. Trust me I know."

Now would be the time to comfort him, in some way. Because I know he's not referring to Juliette. And I almost give in, but stop myself at the last second.

I clear my throat, "Right. Well, don't let your feelings get in the way of our work. We're not running a playground. We're here to get things done." He can see through my words, but I don't care. It needs to be said.

"I'm going to be waiting in the room. Meet me there when you pull yourself together." I turn, and walk out of the room.

Thanks for reading guys! Hope you enjoyed kinda maybe a little bit, and I'll try posting tomorrow if possible😬 let me know what you think

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