Chapter 23

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The ride back to base is pretty uneventful.
Aaron and I talked for a few minutes, but both realized how exhausted we were. It was already 11:00, and even though neither of us would be going to bed soon, we didn't want to waste what little energy we had.

When we arrive, Aaron and I exchange a few words before going into our own bedrooms, where I gladly went and took a long shower, enjoying its heat.

When I got out, it was midnight, but the shower had woken me up somewhat. I wrap my hair in a towel, not wanting to dry it, and I head to my office.

The first thing I do is check for another email from Eva, even though I know there won't be one. There isn't. I sigh, and close my laptop. The email was sent 3 days ago, so it could be soon right? I don't know.

I have no idea when she's coming. Is she just going to show up? That's typically what the supreme commanders kids do. Just show up. But Eva has always been different. For one, she's not a supremes kid, she's always just been there. And secondly, she will never be at every single thing; every birthday party, especially when we were little, for the other kids, a dinner, an anniversary, even the symposium.

She only shows up to certain ones. Chosen ones. She says her parents loyalties lie deep with The Reestablishment, but just how deep? They seem to have some kind of power, and no one knows who they are. But she came to these things a lot more often when we were younger, but as we got older she's come to less and less to the point where I haven't seen her since my birthday, nearly a year ago.

I can't think about it for long, because I hear my com ring from my room. I nearly jump out of my office chair, and walk over to the com.


"Ma'am? I have a letter for you. It was just delivered an hour ago." Its Delalieu.

"What is it?" I ask.

"It's from an Eva Williams—would you like me to bring it to you?"

My heart stops.

"No, I'll come and get it. Where are you?"

"I'm in the hallways now. . . I could meet you in boardroom 6? I-if that's okay—"

"That's fine." And he starts to say something else, but I'm not listening.

I'm already off and out the door, nearly forgetting to take the towel off my head before sprinting down the corridor.

I'm wearing black leggings—good enough, I think to myself—a plain white long sleeve shirt, my hair, still wet from the shower and I didn't get the chance to brush it, no makeup, and I'm halfway up the stairs when I realize I don't have shoes.

Perfect. Just perfect.

I'm sprinting through the halls, ignoring the shocked, confused looks of my soldiers as they fly by me.

Before I know it, I'm rounding the corner, hoping I don't run into anyone, and I'm going so fast that when I reach boardroom 6 I have to grab the doorframe and swing myself inside, almost hitting my arm by an inch.

Delalieus eyes are wide, his jaw dropped. I'm out of breath, and I make a motion for him to hand over the letter. He does, and I dismiss him.

I open the letter.

Dear Alexis

I would like to inform you beforehand, that I will be visiting sector 45 sometime in the next three days. My mother has had the thoughtfulness of letting me come and visit you after such a long time of lost communication. I was jubilant when she told me of this trip, and I hope you are too! I will be arriving by myself, and am not sure how long I will be there. I hope I am welcome, and I can't wait to see you soon!

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