Chapter 22

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When I reach my room, I close the door, and collapse on my bed, not bothering to take off my shoes and coat.

I don't know how long I lay there, until I finally get up, and head to my personal office.
I need something to distract my mind, so I decide to go through some of my many emails.

I go through about a hundred unimportant emails for what must be at least 2 hours, when I see one that makes my heart stop.

I feel my body tense, and my eyes go wide. I don't know if I'm reading this correctly.

Email: Eva Heiss

She's using a fake name. I know because she changes it every week. Even I don't know her real surname.

But why now, after this whole time, would she just chose to reach out to me? And after the way I treated her, I wouldn't expect her to.

Something has to be wrong.

I click on it.

To: Alexis

I don't know how to say this, nor am I sure if I should, but I think this is something you need to know. Pay attention. It's important. I know you don't agree with me, that you still chose not to believe me, but I need you to trust me.

Your brother has been causing quite some trouble. He's been hiding out in England, the perfect place, far, far away from North America. I am obviously not talking about Aaron, you know that. Your father has been feeding him plans, ideas, to hopefully overthrow the sector commander.

As you already know, I don't like the Reestablishments border system. I believe things were better before we changed it all. 

Back on track, your brother is your fathers golden boy, his favorite son. I heard what happened to Juliette. Anderson has been bragging about it nonstop. Talking about how all experiments go wrong, how they all come to an end.

You also know I am honest, so I am going to be honest with you right now, when I say that I truly believe Juliette is not dead. I say that, because, no matter what you say to me, that I'm insane, I know your gift. I know Aaron's too.
And I bet you can put together the pieces. It runs in your blood. Your mother has one, as I'm sure you've found out. But whose to say your troublemaking brother doesn't have one too?

Like I said, you must trust me.
Nico is part of the whole thing, and I know you remember him from when you were a child. He is your fathers pawn and he won't back down. Even if someone manages to kill your father, he will come after you. No matter blood.

He cares solely about power, just like Anderson. He will, as the eldest child, automatically be named the Supreme Commander of North America.

You need to find your brother, find Nico, and he needs to be killed. We cannot have a massacre, which is exactly what will happen if he takes over. He will be more than pissed at the fact someone managed to kill his father, and he will make them pay.

Now, don't respond to this, my mum will get suspicious, and her loyalties lie deep with the Reestablishment, as you know to some extent. But I will find a way, and I will come to see you. I have to talk to you in person. I'll meet you when I can, but, as you know, it's very hard to take a break when you have a sector to run.

Sincerely, Eva.

I read the email several times before finally deleting it.

What the hell is Nico up to?

I haven't seen him in over ten years, and can't remember much about him. The only thing I know, is that he's my half brother, the result of an affair my father had with some mystery woman, and he's 8 years older than me.

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