Chapter 24

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None of us had spoken a single word since we got back. We're currently in my room, and I finally break the awkward silence between us.

"So, where do you plan on sleeping, Juliette?"

"Um, I don't know. I assumed in here?"

I look over at Aaron over Juliette's shoulder.

"Actually, it would be better for you to go in Aaron's room. Most of your wardrobe has been transported to his room already, and we would just get confused with all of our stuff," I say.
"It's just easier."

Juliette nods, but is confused. "Okay," And She begins to walk towards the door out of the room.

"Wrong door, love." Aaron says.

Now she's even more confused.

"This one," He says, walking to the adjoining doors of our connected bedrooms.

He opens it, and she walks through it. Aaron looks at me, raises an eyebrow. Go, I mouth to him, smiling a little. Give me a minute.

Once they're gone, I sit down on my bed, letting out a long sigh. What am I supposed to tell Aaron about Eva?

Aaron didn't know that him agreeing to Juliette's friends coming here, to base, would be more than a little inconvenience. It could ruin absolutely everything.

We are going to be housing rebels, and I have no way of telling what side Eva is on. Whether she's with, or against The Reestablishment is a mystery to me. I would like to assume she isn't loyal to them, but assumptions most often result in inexplicable outcomes.

This frustrates me all of a sudden. What if the email she sent me was just a trick? What if that's what she wants me to believe? My father told me Nico was missing, most likely dead. I don't believe him about most things he tells me, but this seemed highly likely. I don't even know what to believe anymore.

I don't want to think that she lied to me, but that's only wishful thinking. The way I treated her, the things I said to her, those can't be taken back. If only I didn't push her away when all she was trying to do was help, I could've done more.

But I didn't, and I can't go back. That's not an option for me.

Ugh. Why would she confuse me like this? Couldn't I have just been left alone?

I reluctantly stand up, knowing I have things to do. I make my way to Aaron's room. But when I try to open the door, it doesn't budge. He's locked it. I decide to go around, coming in through the entrance to his room. When I enter, silently, I see Aaron facing away from me, talking to Juliette.

He looks pale and unsteady.

"There are a lot of things I have to do before tomorrow," he's saying. "Especially if your friends will be joining us on base. Forgive me," he says. "But I have to go." Then he turns around and starts walking to the door. He startles when he sees me, but he just continues to walk forward, expecting me to move. I don't.

I grab his arm when I say, "Where are you going? What happened?"

He just looks at me, doesn't say anything.

"Move, please. I have things to do."

I blink at him, narrow my eyes. Let go of his arm.

"Fine," I relent. And as he steps into the hall I say to him, in a loud voice, that if this wasn't our quarters, a lot of people would've heard.

"Don't be an asshole, Aaron," he freezes. "Not to me. Go ahead, go do your job." And I close the door as he stands there, facing away from me.

It's not just him. I'm still extremely pissed about this Eva situation. The whole thing upsets me. Well, almost the whole thing.

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