Two Sides Of The Same Coin (pic of Nico)

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Azaz's POV.

We drove to their house. Nicholas carried Camila to her bedroom, while I waited in the living room. When he came back down he asked,"You hungry?"

"Starving," I answered.

"Me too."

While we walked to his car he said, "Sorry, I never caught your name?"

I laughed, "It's Azaz, Azaz Beliel Amin," I shook his hand.

A look of surprise and delight crossed his face, "So YOU'RE the infamous Azaz!" he laughed.

I frowned confused. "Camila told me about your encounter," he explained.

I looked down self-conscious, "Really?"

"Yep. And a lot."

I felt myself blush slightly.

Then I smiled. Whoa. Where'd that come from?

He raised his eyebrows at me as if asking the same thing. I shook my head no and we hopped on his car. In 10 min we arrived to McDonalds, got our burgers and sat down to eat in silence.

After we wolfed everything down we stood up and walked to his car, "You want me to drop you off somewhere?"

"No thanks, I prefer walking," he seemed to understand so he extended his hand and when I took it, he said, "Thanks a lot, man."

"My pleasure, Nicholas, is it?"

"Everyone calls me Nico."

"My pleasure, then, Nico."

Just then I hear the start of "Hotel California" by The Eagles and I realize someone's calling me. I take it out of my pocket and check the ID Caller. It's Elysse.

Damn. I had forgotten about Elysse.

I pick up, "Hi. I'm sorry."

"Yes. I doubt that," she huffed.

A few seconds of silence.

"Well? Where were you?"

"At a friend's house. I'm going home right now."

"Fine. You better hurry."

She hung up. I put it away, "she's my guardian, kind of like a foster mom," I explained to Nico.

"Oh," he said, "Well. See ya Monday. Thanks again."

"No problem, Man. See ya."

I started walking home.

Nico's POV.

I entered the house.

I went to Cam's room and looked at her. Her eyes were puffy and red.

Anger raged inside me.

That son of a b*tch Jason. How dared he?

It was pretty cool that Azaz had helped me. Now I knew I could trust the guy with Camila. Well, I had to face it. It was obvious he cared for her opinion. I'd have to ask later.

I waked her gently.

"Huh?" she said sleepily.

I smiled, "You have to shower and put your PJs on."

"Oh, okay," she said while standing up slowly and walking to the bathroom. I could see that her bra was still popped open. Rage burst inside of me again.

I went to my room to get ready myself.

When I finished I tried to dry my hair as much as I could with the towel and put my gym-sleeping shorts.

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