~Taehyung pov~
I slowly opened my eyes. The room is dim. I looked beside me. Jungkook was asleep. I yawned and rolled over onto my back. I reached for my phone that was on the nightstand. I had many texts from dad. He was yelling at me to come home. I sighed. I'll leave when Jungkook wakes up. I kinda wish we could lay here all day and cuddle. I like being close to him. I like being with him in general.
I put my phone back and I rolled back over. I wrapped my arm around Jungkook and I pulled him closer to me. He stirred in his sleep and turned over. He cuddled into my chest. I awed at him. He's so cute. He looks like a cute baby when he sleeps, like a little kid who is innocent and fragile. I softly kissed his nose. I couldn't be happier at the moment. Since last night, or actually, since I've met Jungkook, my life has actually been brightening up.
His bedroom door opened. It was a maid. She bowed and casually walked into Jungkook's room. She picked up the dirty clothes were on the floor and the empty chip bag that was on his desk. She got his trash out of is trash can and she smiled as she walked over to us.
"Would you like anything to eat?" She whispered.
"No thank you." I replied. She nodded and walked out of the room, lightly closing the door. I looked back down at Jungkook. How can this boy be so kind and humble? Every movie portrays the rich kid as a snobby brat who thinks everything is entitled to them. I have yet to meet his parents, but, damn they did a hell of a job tasing him. Bravo.
"Morning." Jungkook yawned. I blinked. I had been so caught up in my thoughts, I didn't notice that he was awake.
"Morning Kookie." I replied. I lightly pecked his lips. He smiled.
"For a second, I thought all of that was a dream and I got a little sad." He giggled. I chuckled.
"Goofball." I smiled. He scooted closer to me.
"You're really warm. I wish we could stay here all day. When are you leaving?" He asked. I sighed.
"I told myself that I'd leave a little bit after you woke up. But, now I just want to stay all day. But I can't... My dad is super pissed." I said. Jungkook nodded.
"Did you ever figure out a solution?" Jungkook asked.
"You know, about the whole thing we talked about last night." He said.
"Oh, that, I didn't really think too much about it, but I think I really just want him to get busted or something. I'll have to figure something out." I answered. He nodded.
"Well, just know that we have some really good security and if you need a place to just stay where you want to feel safe, you can always come here." Jungkook said.
"Thank you." I smiled. Jungkook smiled and cuddled into my chest. I rested my chin on top of his head. We stayed there for a few minutes, just enjoying the comfiness and the warmth. But, eventually, I had to leave.
"Kookie, I should get going." I said. Jungkook looked up at me.
"Okay, but text me when you get to your driveway." He said. I nodded. I got up and put my pants on. I put my shoes on and I got my phone. Jungkook sat up and watched me as I got ready.
I walked over to him. I ruffled his hair and I kissed him softly. He kissed back. I think I'm addicted to kissing him. The feeling of his lips is so soft... I pulled away and smiled.
"Bye Kookie, I'll see you later." I said.
"Bye Tae." He replied. I waved and walked out of his room. I walked out of his house and began the dreaded walk to my own home.
I walked into the house. My mom's car was in the driveway, so it's relieving to know that my dad won't do anything if she is here. I walked through the house and almost made it to the stairs, but my mom's voice stopped me.
"Taehyung." She said happily. I turned around. I smiled. My father had one of his fake smiles on, while my mother's smile was so pure.
"Where were you?" She asked. I hate lying to her. I honestly find it impossible to lie to her. I internally smacked myself for what I'm about to say.
"Jungkook's house." I answered. Fuck...
"Oh, that's great. Isn't honey?" She asked my dad. He smiled and nodded.
"Of course it is. Our Taehyung has got a friend." He smiled. I gulped.
"Anyway, I have somethings I have to do, so see you guys later." I said. I quickly walked to my room.
I closed the door and slid down the door. I gripped my hair and hid my head in-between my knees. Why would I do that? I just told my dad what I didn't want to tell him. Why am I so dumb? This just put me in a more worse spot than where I already was. Damn it!!!
My thoughts were cut off by someone walking towards my room. Judging by the harsher footsteps, they aren't my mom's... I got up from the door and I walked to the other side of my room. I want to get away. I want to stay away from my dad. The door opened. My dad walked inside. He closed the door and looked at me. I gulped.
"Jungkook's house, huh?" He asked, though it was a bit more like a statement.
"Have you got all the money yet?" He asked. I looked down and shook my head. He chuckled.
"Well, it's your lucky day." He said. I looked up.
"I've thought of a way to get it." He said.
"And that is?" I asked.
"You should kidnap Jungkook. We'll get ransom." My dad said. My eyes widened.
"You're crazy." I say. He rolled eyes.
"Taehyung, this is a good plan. We get money. We get a kid to boss around and treat like dirt. He won't die. He'll go straight back home as soon as his parents pay us." My dad said.
"But..."I trailed off.
"You can kidnap him and get it all over with, or, you can continue to kill and steal. Eventually, I was going to make you kill Jungkook and his whole family but I need you to function properly. I don't need you to go to counseling, so I thought that this was the next best thing. Anyway, we are going to do it. See ya." He said. He walked out of my room. I don't know if I should feel sad, scared, angry, or nervous. I guess a mix of all of them is appropriate.
I collapsed to the floor. I looked down and sighed. I'm sorry Jungkook... I'm so sorry.

FanfictionWhen his father's job causes them to move to a new town, Jungkook couldn't care less. It's not that he has no emotion or is depressed or anything, he just has nothing to care about in their now, old town. He has no friends to leave behind or to miss...