~Taehyung pov~
No no no no no no no no no no no no no! My dad is going to kill me.
I continued to run down the sidewalk to my house. My lungs burn. I haven't stopped running since I left Jungkook's house.
I ran up my porch and caught my breath. I held the doorknob and breathed deeply before I walked inside.
"Where the hell have you been?" I was instantly met with my father's voice.
"I was with someone dad. I had to do a project and it kept us up all night." I explained. I'm not technically lying.
"Who were you with?" He asked.
"A friend... I have to finish up my half of the project." I said. I began to walk to the stairs to go to my room. My dad stopped my by grabbed my arm, tightly. I winced.
"Who?" He asked, tightening his grip.
"J-just a friend." I answered. I can't give him Jungkook's name. I can't...
"Just a friend? You haven't had a friend in years. Tell me who you bastard!" He yelled. I flinched.
"I- c-can't." I said, my voice cracking. He sighed. He roughly pushed me, making me fall. I looked up at him. He walked towards me. I scooted backward.
"Y-you can't m-mess u-up the house... m-mom will be mad and s-she'll w-want to know w-why." I said quickly. He reached down and gripped my shirt, pulling me up. He dragged me to my room. I stumbled as we walked.
When we got to my room, he kicked me and punched me.
"Tell me, who the fuck you were with." He said. He gripped my hair tightly and lifted me up. I was crying.
"P-please stop... " I begged. He laughed.
"Stop? You're so fucking weak." He said, letting go of my hair.
"What do I have to do? To get you stronger? You hesitate before you shoot people, you think twice about the money you steal. What else do I need to do to change that, Taehyung?" He asked. I sniffled. He walked away and came back a second later with a whip. I felt my heart drop. I scooted all the way to bed.
"D-dad, wait, p-please, p-please w-w-wait." I said. He snapped the whip on the floor, chipping the wood. I flinched. He sipped it across my leg. I screamed out.
"Tell me who and your back will be spared." He said. I gulped. He sighed and got ready to hit me. I squeezed my eyes shut. I waited for the impact. It never came. I looked and he moved. I quickly moved.
"Bitch, why did you move?" He asked.
"Ok ok ok, I-I'll tell you..." I said. He stopped and waited. I gulped. No words left my mouth. He rolled his eyes and went to hit me again.
"Jeon Jungkook! Jeo....Jeon Jun-Jungkook...." I cried harder. I just did what I didn't want to do.
"That's all I wanted to know." He said. He walked away. I heard my bedroom door slam. I balled up on the floor and I cried harder.
"I-i'm sorry...." I whispered. I moved but the pain in my leg made me stop. I quickly stripped off my pants. My thigh was red, some of the skin was breaking, beginning to bleed.
I slowly began to calm down. I slowly stood. I wiped my eyes. My door opened. It was my dad again.
"So, you're friends with Jeon Jungkook. The son of the CEO of the Jeon company?" He asked.
"I-i don't know." I said. He chuckled.
"Well, you are. This is perfect. Keep being friends with him. If we get in a messy situation, we'll have money to get us out cause you can steal it." He said.
"W-what..." I said.
"Stealing, this is awesome, anyway, your mother will be home soon. Fix yourself up." He said, he closed my door and walked away. I sat down on my bed and I looked at the floor. I glanced at the razor on my nightstand. I shook my head. I can't go back to that... I'm moving on.
I stood. I walked to the bathroom and washed my face. I looked in the mirror. Why am I so stupid? I made a promise to myself... I promised that I'd never had any friends again because this is what my dad does. He makes me do stuff to them... I don't want to hurt Jungkook. I shouldn't have become connected to him. I gripped my hair. The only way to fix this is to not be friends with him anymore. That way, I won't be allowed back at his house. I gulped. This is going to hurt him. But... It hurts me more... I just wish my mom knew how my dad is. But, he threatened to hurt her if I told.
My dad is a gang leader. Many people are apart of it. At night they do their dirty deeds. I hate being part of it. The things I do show up on the news next day. I hate my life, I really do. I'm surprised I'm not dead yet...

FanficWhen his father's job causes them to move to a new town, Jungkook couldn't care less. It's not that he has no emotion or is depressed or anything, he just has nothing to care about in their now, old town. He has no friends to leave behind or to miss...