Chapter 12

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~Jungkook pov~

I talked to my friends. They were talking about the breaks we had coming up and what kind of parties they wanted to throw. I'm not into parties, I've honestly had enough of them. My parents seem to always have a party or some kind of get-together, which they are annoying. So many people come up to you and are like, "Do you remember me?" And you say no, but then they are like, "I haven't seen you since you were a baby." And they pinch your cheeks, then you're like, "Well, no wonder I don't remember you, I was barely out of the damn womb."

Anyway, the point is, I don't like parties and I probably won't go to one, unless I'm asked and that person wants me to go. Which I'm sure Jimin would.

The subject changed to crushes. Hoseok has a crush on some girl in his class. He asked how he should talk to her so everyone pitched in and gave him their advice. I'm the one who should have some advice on crushes.

I've never had a crush before. I've never thought about love. I've never thought about any of it. All I know is that I'm attracted to males and not females.

But, I think Taehyung is beginning to change that. Sure, he's been treating me like shit lately, but that doesn't change my opinion on him. I still like him and I would most likely forgive him if he apologized to me. I care about him. It may be my compassion and empathy, but I really want to help him. Sometimes, people can't ask for help, you have to just do it when you can. I really want to help Taehyung, but I can only do that if he'll allow me.

Every day, I greet Taehyung with a smile and a simple, 'Good morning'. He hardly ever replies, and most of the time he just grunts. I don't really care though.

"Morning Taehyung." I smiled as he sat down in his desk. He grumbled and put his head down. I sighed and nodded to myself. I got my homework and the teacher came around and collected it.

The bell rang and he started to give us directions. I looked at Taehyung, he was dead asleep. I shook him.

"Taehyung, you need to wake-" He cut me off by turning his head the other day and muttering, 'Fuck off' under his breath. I pulled away and sat straight. I felt a little hurt but I just tuned back into the teacher.

"Ok so, this is worth 20% of your grade." He finished. He passed out the packet. I began to work on mine.

I like science, it comes naturally to me just as history does, so within about half an hour, I was done with my packet. I looked at Taehyung. He was still asleep. I reached and got his packet. I completed it for him.

I put it back on his desk and I looked at him. I packed up my stuff and I lied my head down. I then waited for the bell to ring. 

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