Chapter 7

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~Jungkook pov~

I slowly woke up. The sunlight was flooding through the windows. It was bright. I looked beside me and saw that Taehyung was still asleep. I quietly got up and walked to the windows. I closed the curtains, making the room dim. I walked to the bathroom and used it. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and made my hair calm down. I walked over to my phone and checked my notifications. A maid walked into my room.

"Sir, would you and your friend like breakfast?" She whispered. I shook my head. She nodded and walked away. Teenagers sleep all day and eat lunch, so I'm sure Taehyung don't want any. I looked at him. He is in a deep sleep. He looks so peaceful. He doesn't look scary or anything. He looks like a fragile person who has to deal with his hard life. I would love to help him. I really care about him. I'm starting to see him more as a best friend than Jimin and the others.

I walked over to my closet and got some clothes. I changed into them and walked out of my room, quietly closing the doors. I walked down the hall to the stairs. I walked to my parents' bedroom. I walked inside. They were laying bed. My mom was reading and my dad was watching tv.

"Hi, sweetie." My mom smiled, putting her book away. My dad smiled.

"Hi, guys." I replied.

"The maid told us that you had a friend over." My dad said. I nodded.

"Yeah, I did. He slept over. I was going to ask but I didn't want to bother you guys in case you were in a meeting." I explained. My parents shrugged.

"We don't care either way." My mom said. I nodded.

"Anyway, I didn't get to see you yesterday or the day before very much, so I came to talk. I'm gonna go. Taehyung may wake up confused." I said. I walked out of their room and back to mine. I looked at Taehyung. He was still asleep. I got my laptop from the desk. I got back in bed and began to go through youtube, watching gameplays quietly.

A few minutes later, Taehyung stirred in his sleep. He turned over onto his back and he opened his eyes. He looked around. He looked up at me.

"Morning." I smiled.

"Morning." He replied. I felt myself shiver at his voice. It's so deep and raspy. Damn, if this is his morning voice, I want a recording of it, dang!

"Hungry?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Not really." I replied. He sat up.

"Damn your bed is so comfortable." He yawned. I giggled. He hugged the pillows.

"I could stay here all day." He sighed.

"You are welcome to." I replied. He looked at the computer.

"Ooh, I wanna watch." He said. I moved the laptop so he could see as well. We lied in bed for about an hour watching random youtube videos, laughing and talking about each one.

Soon, Taehyung got up and used the bathroom and stuff. He packed his stuff up.

"Do you want your clothes back now?" He asked. I looked. I just noticed, he has on my clothes.

"No, you can take them with you. I have plenty." I replied. He smiled.

"Thanks, uh what time is it?" He asked. I looked.

"A little after 11." I answered. His face went from relaxed and happy to stressed and scared.

"Fuck..." He muttered. He got his stuff.

"Everything okay?" I asked, closing the laptop.

"It's fine... Um, thank you for having me over, I had so much fun. I'll see you Monday." Taehyung said quickly. He gave me a quick hug and ran. I walked to the balcony. I saw Taehyung run down my driveway. I confusingly leaned on the railing. I don't think everything is okay... I could ask my friends, but I highly doubt they know anything, Yoongi maybe, but he wouldn't tell me. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. I'm worried about Taehyung. 

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