Chapter 1

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I hope you all enjoy the first chapter!
also just a reminder, Sweet Pea and Betty do not get together as they are siblings.

Betty POV:

I was currently sitting in my room watching a movie on my laptop as rain falls heavily down onto the roof. The rain was only getting heavier and I noticed as lightning began to strike. I cuddle up into my pillow while I try to ignore everything outside. I'm terrified of it, I have been since I was young. I may be 17 but my reasons to be scared are valid.

As I maintained my tight grip on my pillow I noticed as my brother walked in. Me and my brother are really close. We have been ever since we were born. We're non identical twins. His name is Sweet Pea.

Our parents were in a car accident. The other person was drunk and drove straight into my parents, Sweet Pea and I were only six.

We stayed at our aunty and uncles until we were 15. They were nice people, in a way, but they never had kids of their own so they didn't know how to look after us. The only thing they did for us was give us an education and feed us. They gave us no emotional support over the tragic death of our parents, in fact, they barley spoke to us.

When we were 15 we decided to run away. We had little money but we had a plan in mind. We decided we'd go back to our old house, where we lived when mum and dad were alive. We both hoped that no one had sold it over the years.

When we arrived, we saw that there were no cars. I walked up to the door. There was a mat in front of the door and that's where we always kept the spare key. I pulled it out and unlocked the door slowly. Sweet Pea had been standing behind me. I was about to walk inside so I could check out the place but Sweet Pea pulled me back.

Sweet Pea: let me look. He says while stepping in front of me. I look up to him with worried eyes.
Sweet Pea: I'll be fine. He says to me reassuringly. I nod my head and he walks inside.

I took a seat on the swing in the front lawn. It was tied to a tree and it had been there ever since I was born. I remember always running out to the swing each morning. Sweet Pea would follow after me and push me has high as I could go.

My brother means the world to me, he's my everything.

I brought myself to reality as Sweet Pea moved closer to my bed. He knows how much I hate this kind of weather. He always comes into my room and stays with me until the lightening stops.

Sweet Pea: do you want me to stay with you? He asked sweetly. I nod my head.

He sat next to me on my bed and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I rest my head on his shoulder as we watch the movie. I knew he probably didn't like the movie since it was a cheesy romance but he didn't complain. He's the best brother.

It started to get late and the lightening had finally stopped.

Sweet Pea: I'm going to bed. He says while placing a kiss on my forehead.
Betty: good night sweety. I say to him.

Ever since I was young I'd call him that and I'm the only one that's allowed to. One time my mum called him that and both Sweet Pea and I got mad at her. Sweet Pea is the only one that lets me call him that and everyone knows it.

Sweet Pea: good night Betts. He says while walking out of my room.

I let out a yawn and decided I should probably head to bed as well. I paused the movie and turned off my computer. I put it on the bed side table and wrap myself up in my blanket.

I woke up to the blaring sound of my alarm going off. I turn it off and let out a yawn. I open my eyes and quickly close them again. Why is it so bright?

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