Chapter 11

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Get ready for a wild chapter!

Sebastian POV:

I quickly woke up and had a shower. I changed into some new clothes and I stepped out of my room. I looked in the lounge and once again I saw my dad passed out on the couch. I let out a sigh and decided to eat out instead.

I go back to the place where I first met Betty, it happens to be the best place in town.

I walked into the small and warm diner, I ordered a milkshake and some pancakes. As I began eating those I noticed a man in the corner. There was nothing that interesting about him so I didn't focus on him for to long.

As I was deep in thought I heard the bell ring, meaning someone had entered this amazing diner. I quickly popped my head up and saw that it was Betty and that guy she was with yesterday, her probable boyfriend.

He had his arm wrapped over her shoulder as she looked up to him and had a worried look on her face. She spoke to him but I was to far to make out whatever it was.

I sat in my booth, feeling sorry for myself and why shouldn't I? I tried so hard to get with her, I tried to impress her but in the end she already has a boyfriend.

Betty POV:

I woke up this beautiful morning and quickly got changed. I went downstairs and I noticed a piece of paper on the kitchen table. I picked it up and turned it over. It was a message from dad.

This is my number, please call me. We can talk without Alice tomorrow morning at 7 am at Pops.
~ Dad

I thought it would be a good idea. I walked into Sweet Pea's room and gently shake him until he woke up. He first looked at the clock and when he saw that it was much earlier then he usually gets up he groaned.

Sweet Pea: to early. Good night. He says while closing his eyes again.
Betty: Sweety please, it's important. I say to him.

He sighs and sits up. I pull out the piece of paper and he gave me a confused look.

Sweet Pea: what's this? He asked with a raspy voice.
Betty: read it. I say while placing it in his hand. He takes it from me and has a quick read.

From his facial expression I couldn't get much from him. I think it's important to speak to dad. Dad always got along with us better then mum did. Don't get me wrong, we love our mum but judging by yesterday something about her has changed and definitely not for the best.

Sweet Pea: we're not meeting him. He says sternly.
Betty: Pea we have to. I say to him.
Sweet Pea: Betty we don't know him or mum anymore. When we were younger we did, but not anymore. They're Serpent leaders for gods sake, you're not safe Betty. He warns me.
Betty: please Swetty, for me. I say with a soft voice. He let out a sigh and brushed his hand through his hair.
Sweet Pea: for you. He says. I smile and embrace him in a hug.

He got up and got dressed. It was nearly 7 am so we raced down to Pops. As we walked in Sweet Pea wrapped his arm over my shoulder in a protective manner. I looked up him.

Betty: everything is going to be alright. I say to him.
Sweet Pea: are you trying to convince me or yourself? He asked
Betty: both. I say with a sigh. He gave me a calm look.

I don't know if this is such a good idea anymore. What if something goes wrong, Sweet Pea gets angry and lunges himself at dad. Or what if dad is here to tell us that he and mum want nothing to do with us.

I burry those thoughts deep inside me and walk up to where my dad was sitting. My dad stood up and embraced me in a warm hug, just like all his hugs were.

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