Chapter 10

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Please vote because all the tea is going to be spilt this chapter!

Betty POV:

I woke up with my arms wrapped around someone. I look up and saw that it was my brother, thankfully he was already awake, surprisingly.

Sweet Pea: morning. He says softly.
Betty: morning. I say with a tired voice.

After talking to my brother for a little longer I went up to my room and got changed. I changed into a pair of shorts and a crop top since I felt lazy and I won't be going out today. I just need a lazy day after everything yesterday. 

I walk back downstairs and saw my brother starting to make breakfast. This could either turn out good or really bad.

Betty: make sure you don't burn the house down please. I say to him with a smirk as I take a seat on the kitchen bench, next to where Sweet Pea was.
Sweet Pea: I promise not to burn down the house, hopefully. He says with a sly smirk. I laugh and playfully hit him.

Soon after he made two plates of food and put them in front of the respected person. I say a quick thank you before we began eating.

As I eat I turn to Sweet Pea who was eating like he had been starved all his life. I know he works out a lot, but how the hell does he still have abs? His eating habits are poor, not to mention how bad his manners are.

Although his manners will be the death of me, I admire him. He's been looking after me since we were young, he's made sure that through every stage of our lives I've always been safe, I've always had food, I've always been happy and that I've always been loved. He's always put me before him, like he does to this day. He is such a role model to me, he's my world and I wouldn't be where I am today if I didn't have his constant love and support.

We both finished eating and I offered to clean up. I got both of our plates and quickly cleaned and dried them.

I then walk into the lounge where Sweet Pea was. I lay on the couch as my head rested on his lap.

Sweet Pea: you okay? He asked as he played with my hair.
Betty: yeah. I say with a soft sigh. He smiles softly at me.
Betty: have I ever told you how much you mean to me? I say making a small chuckle escape his lips.
Sweet Pea: multiple times actually, but go on. He says with a smirk. I let out a giggle.
Betty: honestly Sweet Pea, thank you for everything. I say while looking up to him. He smiles.
Sweet Pea: I'd do anything for you, never forget that. He says as I bring him into a hug.
Betty: I love you. I say as I hug him tighter.
Sweet Pea: I love you too. He says.

As we lean out of the embrace we heard the doorbell ring. We both gave each other a confused look, we weren't expecting any company today. Then again it could be the Serpents ambushing us like they did a month ago.

I open the door, Sweet Pea was standing beside me. I looked in front of me and their was a lady and a man standing next to each other, their hands connected. I look up to them and smile.

Betty: hi, can I help you? I asked. They both smiled and looked at each other. They then look back to me.
Alice: we're your parents. She says with the biggest smile. I gave her a confused look.

Sweet Pea immediately pulled me behind him and took the spot of where I use to be standing.

Sweet Pea: our parents died years ago in a car crash, so I really doubt you're them. Leave before we call the police. He says sternly.
Hal: Sweet Pea, we're your parents. He says. I took a step out from behind Sweet Pea and stood next to him.
Betty: prove it. I say while raising an eyebrow.

The hole idea of our parents being alive is so stupid. They died in a car crash, you can't just suddenly be alive after that.

Alice: well we know how much you both hate it when anyone but Betty calls you Swetty. She says with a smile.
Sweet Pea: everyone knows that about us. He says skeptically.
Hal: well we know how every morning you would both run out to the swing and Sweet Pea would push you. We also know how Sweet Pea would always sneak into your room at night to comfort you since you were scared. He says softly.

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