Chapter 31

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I hope you enjoy!

I'm gonna put a side note here because I think people will read it if it's here.
Okay honestly I don't really like this book, like I love the idea and all, but to me it should have just been a one shot and not an actual story. I dislike writing about Bughead, I'm just so use to Swetty so if I don't like what I'm writing, it's obviously not gonna be that good.
I'm probably going to try to end this soon ( hopefully ) so I can start a new story I genuinely feel passionate about. I also have no other updates for this story because I've been focusing on my one shots a lot more.... whoops. Please understand ❤️
Also I decided to post every third day from now on.

Betty POV:


It was a new week and I was ready for a fresh start. Sebastian had been locked up and so had my stress. Hopefully now that he's gone, so will my pain and suffering.

Yesterday through Kevin I had found out that Veronica was involved in helping Sebastian find a bomb. She's absolutely sick, how could a person think its okay to give a guy a bomb. In all honesty, I'm not surprised she helped him, anything that could harm another person or cause her entertainment, she would do it. She's one hell of a sick bitch. The thought of her kissing my brother made my blood boil.

I dragged myself out of bed like every other morning and walked into my shower. I took a quick shower as I let the warm water embrace my overworked body. The heat helped sooth my tense and aching muscles.

Once I could feel that my body was more relaxed, I turned off the taps and stepped out of the shower. I first dried my hair and put it up so water wouldn't be dripping down my back. I then dried off the rest of my body.

I put on my robe and walked into my room. I walked to my draw and quickly found a yellow jumpsuit that I'd only worn once before. I slipped it on before I went into the bathroom again and blow dried my hair.

After blow drying it, I combed my hair and put it into two cute braids.

I walked downstairs after getting changed and into the kitchen. I noticed dad wasn't here so its my responsibility to wake up the sleeping ogre, or Sweet Pea, what ever works.

I walked into his room and took a seat on the side of his bed, I ran my fingers through his soft brown curls like I did most mornings.

As usual he woke up with an annoyed and unsatisfied groan. He slowly dragged his six foot body out of bed and as he was walking, he tripped over a pile of his clothes that he was supposed to put away 2 weeks ago. I let out the biggest laugh.

He had been on the floor for about a minute as I laughed harder then I ever had before. I looked down at him after I had calmed down from my uncontrollable laughter.

It had been 5 minutes and he still hadn't gotten up.

Betty: you planning on getting up? I asked with a chuckle.
Sweet Pea: when you get your annoying ass out of my room, I might. He said sounding angry at me.

The smile dropped from my face as I stormed out of his room. Why's wrong with him? He's being such an asshole to me.

We sat in the kitchen in an awkward silence as we ate breakfast. Anytime we made eye contact he would glare at me and roll his my eyes. Why is he acting like this?

We finished up breakfast and began walking to school. He stayed in front of me instead of next to me, how we'd usually walk to school.

We arrived at school and Sweet Pea walked up to his friends. When his friends saw me they scoffed and rolled their eyes. I'm scared, what's going on? Why is everyone acting so off?

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