Chapter 5

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Betty POV:

I woke up Sunday morning with a smile on my face, knowing that me and Sweet Pea are better. He's the only real family I have left and I don't want to loose him, especially over something so silly like a girlfriend.

I skip out of my room and make myself some breakfast. On the weekends I let him sleep in, otherwise he's a monster to deal with.

I sit at the table and pour some milk into my cereal. I slowly began to eat while I thought about school. I only have 1 year and 2 months left of school until I'm free. All my life I have loved writing so hopefully I will find something in that area. Really any sort of writing amazes me, there's nothing about it that could bore me.

I finished eating and put my dishes into the sink.

I went up to my room and walked to my bookshelf. I browsed through a couple books until I finally chose one. I pull it out and walk downstairs and into the kitchen again. I make myself a cup of green tea and move into the lounge. I set my cup on the table and flop onto the couch with my book in hand.

I got myself comfy on the couch. I threw a blanket over my legs as I finally opened the book and began reading the first page.

I was only 4 pages deep and I was already obsessed with the plot of the story. The story is about a young girl and boy who discovered they had feelings for each other, the story showed the depth of their personalities and the hardships they had to face to get together. It's compelling.

I was deep in concentration when I heard the sound of Sweet Pea's door opening it. I was originally going to ignore him as this story was way to good to put down now, that was until I heard him cough. He made his way to me and sat on the arm of the couch.

Sweet Pea: hey. He said with a raspy voice.
Betty: Swetty, you should have stayed in bed. I say as I lean closer to him and place my hand on his forehead. He was burning.
Betty: you're burning, go to bed. I say while standing up. I saw that he was about to argue with me so I stopped him before he had the chance.
Betty: bed now! I say in a stern voice. He rolls his eyes and sighs in defeat. I form a small smile on my face from the win.

He walks into his room while I walk into the kitchen and get out some medication. I make him a glass of water as I picked up the tablets and walked to his room.

I gave it to him and he quickly swallowed it. I was about to walk out of his room and put another glass of water beside him, when he spoke up.

Sweet Pea: stay with me. He says.
Betty: why? I say while raising my eyebrow.
Sweet Pea: because otherwise I'll be bored. He says with a pout. I roll my eyes at my brother.
Betty: you're such a child, but fine. I say to him. He smiles from the win.

I walked out of his room and got him another glass of water so he could have it beside him if he needed it. I picked up the glass of water and my book. I walked into his room and placed the glass of water on his bedside table. I then walked to the other side of his bed and rested my back against the head board.

Betty: how much sleep did you get last night? I asked him.
Sweet Pea: probably about 3 hours. He says with a yawn.
Betty: why didn't you tell me you were sick? I asked him with a small pout. He smiled softly.
Sweet Pea: Betts, I'm not your problem. He say to me.
Betty: you're my brother, you are my problem and most times you are the problem. I say with a giggle. He smiles softly and pulls me into a hug.

Betty: Get some rest Swetty. I say softly to him. He nods his head and lays back down.

Within a matter of a few minutes he had managed to fall asleep. It was no surprise to me, he looked exhausted. I'm glad he'll get a little more rest.

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