Chapter 3

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I sit down heavily as I look around and make a list of everything that needs to be done, or worked on. I call an HVAC technician, because that is kind of important. Making sure that I have both, a plumber and HVAC tech coming out. I sit down and make a list of what to go and get at Costco, making sure that I get everything that I will need. I quickly realize that the wolf is one of the few animals that are left. It's really sad, there used to be so many animals, now there are only four a wolf, two horses and a goat.

The longer I am here the more I feel weighed down. Everything has changed - not for the better either. The sanctuary that my family and Maria had helped build years earlier, all being neglected for who knows how long. It's so sad, seeing how this once beautiful place is now more like a prison for animals. I have the veterinary practice to run, and now this? That's too much - although, maybe I can use the lack of animals to my advantage?

While I have a partner in my practice, I specialize in large and exotic animals. Maybe I can make the sanctuary and my practice into one. But I'll have a lot of hoops to jump through; I guess it's a plus that my partner wants the building we are currently in. Placing my sunglasses on as I walk outside and make my way to my jeep. Hopping in I start it up, only to pause. Both the plumber and HVAC tech have arrived. I direct the to the areas and chat for a few minutes, before leaving in my jeep.

As I drive away I continue to think about everything. The possibilities of what is bound to come. It is going to be a lot of hard work; it'll take me hours to just get the top layers of dirt off. Not to mention all of the remodeling - updating the place. I can use this journey to improve myself, hopefully. I shake my head at the thoughts that continue to bounce off of the walls of my mind.

After stopping at a tractor supply I grab everything I need for both the horses and goat; I also grab a very large dog bed. I then head to Costco; grabbing a cart I walk in after showing my card. I go directly to the red meat, like some steak. Grabbing different foods that I'm sure the handsome wolf would love to eat, I'm sure it will be an upgrade from dog chow. I then head over and grab some air fresheners, cleaning supplies and tools and some snacks for myself. I also grab a thing of bottled water. Heading to the front I pay, and leave, after packing my jeep to the limit.

Heading inside - carrying the cleaning stuff I drop them on the front desk. Heading back outside I grab the waters, food, and snacks and bring them into the break room. I have to drop off the bags of grain inside of the feed shed. I sigh and look down at the time; deciding to stay the night. I call my parents and let them know everything that's going on. Having asked my mom to pack an overnight bag for me; I head on over.

Pulling into the drive, I can't help but laugh at my mother, as she has my largest duffel bag, and an air mattress. "Momma I'm not gonna move in there!" She laughs and rolls her eyes at me.

"Baby girl, I know you too well. We probably won't see you for a few days. And when you get that family cabin that's on the property ready to live in. I'm sure you will be moving in." I can't help but blush a bright red, and release a nervous giggle. I mean, she is right. I smile and kiss both of my parents on their cheeks before rushing back to the Sanctuary. To be honest I am almost ashamed at how transparent I am - especially with them. Although they are my parents so I can't be too shocked.

Getting back inside the sanctuary, I try and figure out where I want to sleep for the night. I decided that I should sleep in the same area as the wolf, I am so drawn to him - I don't understand. Grabbing my things, I walk in through the door, and notice him sitting up staring at the door. Ignoring the open window. "Hey Handsome! I hope your not too mad at me, I didn't want you to hurt as I cleaned your wounds." I laugh at him as he starts yipping at me, and stands up on the bars.

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