Chapter 4

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Waking up I hear the silence, I opened my eyes slowly, looking around, I notice I am still where I was when I fell asleep, with Handsome. Turning my head, my cheek rest on the plush fur of Handsome's coat. Squinting my eyes I look down and realize that I am covered in a blanket, and my boots are off... That's kinda strange I don't remember taking them off, or covering myself. Trying to think hard, and remember at what point I took my boots off - and covered myself. But I draw a blank, I must have just finally lost it.

I shake my head, I mean, it's not like Handsome could do it, I laugh at the fleeting thought, I must be losing my mind. I watch as the blanket falls down my form; a shiver races down my body, goosebumps appearing on my chilled skin. I hug my legs to my chest as I wait in silence. I left my phone in my jeep last night. I couldn't call anyone for help. How could I have been so ignorant! I slap myself on the forehead of all the time to do that, it had to have been this one. I could have gotten really hurt, Handsome is a really smart wolf.

Yet he doesn't act like a wild wolf, he is strange, and confusing all at the same time. I look over his features as he sleeps, I'm not sure if he even ate at all last night. Gosh, I'm so selfish, last night I hide behind a wolf. What if he had gotten hurt because of me? A tear falls from my eye, what if he wasn't here... I wouldn't have moved quick enough, I was frozen. Wiping my tears, I lean forward and stroke over his head. I kiss over his closed eyelids and gently hug his large neck. "Thank you Handsome, you truly did save me last night." I whisper into his coat as I lean into his warmth. I stroke his ear as I murmur my gratitude. Opening my eyes I see that his are open and staring right at me, I smile at his adorable face.

"I don't think that those men are still here. I should go look around.." I feel myself trail off as I sit up. Looking down, I know that I need to change my clothes before I walk around. I'm sure that I smell disgusting, I probably don't look much better. Only a girl could worry about her appearance before her safety, wow. Grabbing my bag I pull it closer to me, digging through the bag, I pull out some ripped skinny jeans. I pull off my socks and panties; grabbing a clean pair of panties, I pull them on. I grab my black ankle socks and slide them on.

Getting my jeans, I shimmy into them, bucking my hips up as I secure them. Half joking I look over my shoulder at Handsome "Don't peak, that's not proper." I can't help the giggle that falls past my lips as I pull my dress and bra off. After donning a bra, I dig around my bag and find a cami to wear, I pull on my knit sweater as I fix my converses on my feet. Quickly I braid my hair in a french braid. How goofy do I have to be to be talking to a wolf like that.

I pack my bag not thinking anything of it. Feeling a cold nose against my backside I laugh at Handsome. "Yes Handsome? I got to take a look around. Although I don't want to look around by myself." Biting my lip I look over at the door to the cage, I take a deep breath. I can't believe I am about to ask a wolf to walk with me. "Will you walk with me Handsome? You gotta stay right by me though."

Once again I am letting my crazy show. What kind of person asks a wolf to be a guard dog and escort them through the building. I must have lost a few screws or something to even be contemplating any of this. I am honestly shocked I have managed to keep myself alive for this long, now that I am taking a closer look at my decision making skills - they suck.

Looking down I watch as he nods his head and rubs up against my leg, maybe in comfort. Or maybe he was just scenting me. Either way I laughed at him. Unlocking the cage I slowly pushed the door open, taking a deep breath. I jump down and wait for Handsome to step down, I notice his bandages look like they have been shifted around. Focusing on the larger picture at hand finally.

Looking at the ground, I notice that object that had been broken scattered all around the floor. I push the glass shard away from Handsome's paw, wincing as he nearly stepped on one. "Be careful Handsome." I murmur as I continue to push the shards away from his path. Reaching for the door, I suck in a deep breath, I pull the door open. My arm drops as if it weighs a ton.

Lifting my hand, I cover my mouth as I look at the long hall. It's absolutely destroyed, the walls are covered in spray paint, things are broken or strewn across the floor. Tears gather in my eyes as I look around at the mess. Walking through each room makes me want to cry, I look in on the other animals and notice that everything is destroyed. I notice that the animals look unharmed, other than very spooked. I open the gate to the field, allowing them to run free.

If I thought that I had a lot to do the previous day, then wow. Looking back that is nothing compared to large mess I am going to have to fix by myself. Yes, I know I could easily call someone to come and help me but my pride won't let me. Or maybe it's my sense of reason, who really knows at this point. Who cares is the better question.

I sit at the front desk, and place my head in my hands. "What on earth am I going to do? There is so much more work to do." I groan as I look down at Handsome. I smile as he places his head in my lap and licks at my face, making me laugh. "I Guess that I should grab my phone and check in with my parents." Standing up I go and grab my phone.

"Hey Momma and Papa, listen something came up. I think some people tried to break into the sanctuary. Everything is ok, nothing was stolen I don't think" I speak into the phone as I sit down into the chair, feeling Handsome place his head back on my lap.

My Papa starts speaking into the phone. "Kallista, could you tell how many were there? They might have been the ones who attack Maria this morning then" I think about her actions yesterday and what happened last night, I would really have to be missing some things to not be able to connect the dots.

"What do you mean Papa? Is Maria ok, she was acting funny yesterday." I say worriedly Maybe they were after her - what if she was in trouble, she had been acting very weird over the past year.

My Momma picks up after he left off. "I know you were close to her baby girl, but sadly Maria passed away from her injuries. I think she was having some trouble with her money."

"That's so sad, I thought she had been acting weird, but I would never have thought that it would get her killed." It's awful, she has been a close family friend ever since I was a little girl. I'll miss her dearly, she has always been like an aunt, lately more like a distant aunt; but an aunt nonetheless.

"I know it is honey, if you need any help at the sanctuary. Just let us know. I know how stubborn you are and don't like to accept the help." I laugh at my father, they know me so well. Shaking my head, we say goodbye. At this point, I look down at Handsome and caress his head. I once again am at a loss for words over everything and decide to change the direction my mind was running towards.

"You are probably starving huh?" My own stomach decides to make its own appearance making me laugh as I jump up and blush scarlet. Making my way to the break room, I wince as I see things scattered across the floor, great. I start making Handsome his breakfast, and prepare his lunch. I grab a bag of trail mix and walk back out the door. I sit on the hallway floor as we start eating. He digs in with gusto, making me laugh, he must have been starving.

As I look around I sigh, shaking my head. I try and think of how I want to change the place and the decor. Since I am going to have to change a lot of things I might as well try and make it look good. A lot of the building has wooden beams on the ceiling, I think a darker stain on the beams would look fantastic. If I remove the crown molding I could add a fresh coat of paint.

I could add different art pieces of animals and add cool facts. Maybe I could turn this sanctuary into a learning center as well as a veterinary hospital. I start speaking my idea's to Handsome "What if I add like an animal of the month, or something similar? Have lots of strange facts of them. I think that would be an interesting thing to have." I can't help the excitement that emanates from my body.

Over the next few hours I feel like a hurricane, going throughout the whole building I start cleaning up the items that have been thrown all over the place. At some point I start playing music singing and dancing, just trying to have a good time as I work. I sit and take a break, outside, allowing Handsome some time outside, since he has been the perfect boy.

It still amazes me that I am comfortable with a freaking wolf. I mean come on - it's a wolf, I would think pretty self explanatory. I watch as he runs off to take care of his business, it makes me wonder what his story is. Is there more to him than what meets the eye?

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