Chapter 9

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After telling my parents, they both seem ecstatic - which was a major relief let me tell you. We have decided that in one month, we will be getting married. "Do you know what kind of wedding you want Honey?" My mom asks as we all are sitting down around the table, sharing some snacks.

I lean against Ezekiel, as he wraps his arm around me. Since we are at the breakfast nook that features to bench seats, it's perfect to snuggle into his side. "Yea, I don't want anything too fancy. I was kinda hoping for a small, simple, rustic type of wedding. If that's what Ezekiel is ok with?" I look up and see the soft smile grace his face.

His opinion matters to me - I want this day to be special for him, not just for me. Everyone always talks about how a wedding is for the bride. But I don't believe that - a wedding is a celebration of a union. How could someone celebrate their relationship with another if one partner isn't happy during it all. That just sets a sour mood for the start of the relationship.

"That sounds wonderful, it's your special day though. Plan it how you want it baby." Leaning down he places a soft kiss to my lips, causing me to laugh into his mouth.

"I was actually hoping that you could help me out there Handsome. This is your day also." A secretive smile covers both of our faces. This little nickname has become a little play on words, hiding the true meaning - true meaning to me anyways.

"Of course, I'll help you out babe, but I want you to plan it. I want it to be your day first, mine's an after shadow of your day. I'll be there, but it's all about you." I blush remembering his words from before, of course, it doesn't matter to him until our wedding night. I can see my parents smile, while they understand his words, they don't know the full meaning.

My mother claps her hands as she jumps up out of her seat. "Wonderful! We should start now!" My mother's enthusiasm makes me smile as she rushes to her small desk that is in the kitchen. Waiting patiently I watch as she grabs multiple books, and binders, waddling back over to the table she drops them. Shocked I look up her. "Close your mouth honey, I've been wanting to plan your wedding ever since you were old enough." I laugh at her words getting excited I lean over and look at everything she dropped on the table.

We decide for our colors to do some blue and maroon. For our seating we decide on straw bales covered with maroon cloth; at the end of each bale we want to do some blue flower petals in buckets. Lights are doing to be strung up across the isle. Mason jars with lace covers, holding some candles will adorn the tables as centerpieces. As we go through and note everything that we want, I lean into Ezekiel as his hand rubs gently on my thigh.

I can't help but smile as we start making our plans, it's really happening! I can't believe that he wants to marry me, in more than just his world. That means so much to me; I think I'll give him a surprise on our wedding night. That night we spent a few hours planning. Over the next few weeks we decide on everything from the cake, to the design to who to invite. I know that he has some friends that he wants me to meet, I'd love for them to be at our wedding.

With only three weeks left until we get married, things have been a blessing. Between some very heated makeout sessions, and spending time to get to know his family. His younger brother is hilarious! Although he doesn't agree, because one night he decided to prank him, but I ended up getting pranked along with him. I couldn't stop laughing, even if I got knocked on my butt, and drenched with ice water.

My mother and Ezekiel's mother, Elizabeth are accompanying me to find a wedding dress. The dress I chose was magnificent. The lace is soft, it isn't itchy like most. The three quarter sleeves look feminine on my arms. The soft cream color doing wonders to my tan skin. To go along with my dress, I have decided on the cute peep toe heels, along the top of my foot is a small strip of jewels.

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