Chapter 8

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Looking back to him I wait for his answer; I don't need to wait very long. "They were trying to collect a debt. Said that they owned the building since the first owner, 'mysteriously' died. Don't worry about it. I told them that I would pay the debt personally, but if they tried to pull what they did again. They wouldn't get anything but a beating." My mouth gaps open at his words. I wonder how much she owed them - for how long she was in debt.

"You don't have to pay that! I'm not sure how much Maria owed them, but I can pay it. You shouldn't worry about it, I mean you could've been really hurt!" I start ranting at him about how he hadn't been thinking, my arms and hands flailing about. His mouth covers mine in a long and heated kiss, a blush rises to my cheeks.

"Honey, hush! I was fine, I knew what I was doing. I just want to take care of you, and I most definitely will be paying them, you don't need to interact with people like that." I'm literally speechless as he pulls away from me, caressing my cheek with gentle strokes. I smile and shake my head at him.

"You aren't gonna let me win are you?" This man is almost as stubborn as I am - actually he is probably more stubborn than I am. Maybe I have finally met my match.

"What do you think honey? It's a big hell no, do you think Handsome or I would let a sketchy situations surround you?" I have to shake my head, going from how they both reacted. Since well they've both been with me during a situation like that. Both of them having a chance to protect me - from the same people, in a way that is kinda cool.

Over the rest of the evening he teaches and explains to me more in depth. As midnight rolls around, I am yawning, shaking my head trying to focus on him. "I think it's time for you to go to bed." I hear his chuckle as he lifts me up, I groan and lay my head down on his shoulder.

"Do you remember the first night that I met Handsome?" I ask as the memory pops back into my mind. Randomly my mind wanders to that night - thinking about all that had happened.

"Of course I do honey, I just found my mate, I would never forget that." He walks into a large bedroom, setting me on the bed as he crouches in front of me.

"Did you cover me, and take off my boots? Because I don't remember doing any of that." A smile covers his face as he nods. Well at least that is one mystery solved

"Yea that was me. You were shivering, and I figured that you weren't comfortable, as cute as you looked, it didn't seem like something you wanted to wear to bed." I smile at how sweet he was, remembering how that morning went, and then I go still. My cheeks flame with heat. I CHANGED IN FRONT OF HIM! I see a smirk light his face as I flopped back onto the bed with an embarrassed groan. He busts out laughing, probably coming to the same conclusion. "I do have to say, it was a wonderful view to have. My wolf and I definitely wanted to do some naughty things that day." He winks as he stands to get some clothes.

Well I saw him naked to, he definitely looks a lot better than I do. "Go change into this honey, it'll be more comfortable." I catch the shirt he throws my way as I walk into his bathroom. I quickly change out of the tank top and jeans, removing my socks and bra as well. I decided to keep my panties on, and notice that it goes to about mid thigh, but is always falling off of my shoulders.

I catch him staring at me as I step out of the room, holding my clothes to my belly awkwardly, might I add. I set them down on the chair in the corner, before making my way towards him. I give a shy smile as he draws me between his legs. My eyes drift over his features, as his does the same to me. Standing in silence my mind races over everything, I don't fear him, and I probably should.

Heck I should be running, screaming for my life. To be fair I should probably be doing a lot of things. And I probably shouldn't have done a lot of other things. But it's too late for doubt at this point. He hasn't hurt me, or even made me feel badly - well besides giddy. In my opinion that isn't a bad feeling to have for someone.

Yet I feel so safe with him, he has protected me, on a few occasions already. I trust him, and his wolf. I have no reason to be afraid of him; I'll give them or him a chance, however this works. I smile at the thought, I give him a kiss on the cheek. He must know where my thoughts had taken me.

That night we fall asleep in a blissful state, his arms around me. Keeping me tucked into his chest. I'm surrounded by not only his body, but by his scent. Everything falling into place perfectly - creating a safe heaven I don't think I could live without. Not anymore andways

A week passes and it's been amazing, it has been the two of us, getting to know one another. Walking through downtown - on our way to the park for a walk after the amazing dinner we had. He has his arm wrapped around my shoulders, and mine is wrapped around his waist tucked into his front pocket. We make mindless chatter as we look in the shops, looking over the different hand made clothes, and accessories that the owners want to show off.

As we make our way into the park I feel like a child, who keeps pointing out all of the pretty things they see. The leaves are changing colors, all different shades of fiery reds and oranges. The bright green grass, the colors are absolutely gorgeous. I have been so happy this past week. Ezekiel has been so helpful, we have been able to get so much done. He even met my parents, everything has been amazing.

He pulls me to a stop in front of the pond that is in the park, looking up into the sky, the sun is setting, and its painted with an outstanding ombre pattern. I look up at him, questioningly. "I know that we haven't known each other for very long. But I can't wait for you much longer. I will always respect your wishes, I wouldn't force you into anything that you are uncomfortable. In my would, mates would be mated and on their way to having a child by this time. I know that you are a very proper southern bell." At this moment he drops down to one knee, making my hand raise to my mouth as he clears his throat.

"Kallista, will you marry me? I have loved you ever since I met you. Having spent so much time with you, in both forms only shows me that you are the one the gods and goddesses have created specially for me. I want to do right by you and your family. I want to mate and mark you on our wedding night, to keep you an honest lady." His voice trails off as he pulls out this gorgeous ring. It's perfect, simple and elegant. Large enough to know that I'm taken.

"Of course, Ezekiel! I love you, I don't want to wait too long to have our wedding! I know that we are moving so quickly, but it feels so right! I don't want to wait for a life with you, I want to be able to give you the children you have desired for so long." I fall into his arms as I swell with happiness. I know that it's hard for him to wait, yet he wants to wed me before our mating. Cupping his cheeks I sit on his knee, and kiss him passionately. I can't believe that I have both him and Handsome.

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