Chapter 5

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I am still nervous that he will decide to run off into the woods, but I feel like I can trust him with my life, which is just strange. I have to say that this is such a strange feeling I mean, he is just a wolf - Right? I watch as he looks around, like he is just watching for danger. He looks just like a wolf - yet he doesn't act like a wild wolf, it makes me think that he has been trained, or is a human trapped in a wolf's body, but that is just silly!

As the next few days pass, I spend the time working. Cleaning scrubbing sweeping, mopping. I start painting, and staining the wood. Handsome begins healing and the incident the first night is soon forgotten. Three weeks passed and I hate to say it, but I know that it isn't healthy for Handsome to stay around any longer, he is a wolf for goodness sake! I can feel my heart cracking - shattering with the thought of releasing him.

After loading Handsome up into my jeep, I drive close to the woods. Nearly bursting into tears as I jump out and let Handsome out as well. We walk into the woods a good distance; before I stop altogether. Crouching down so I am in front of him. "Hey Handsome, it's time for you to go back to your family. I'm sure they miss you, I know that I will." I whisper sadly as hug him tightly, trying not to break down sobbing.

As is I'm about to break down. I hear his whimper of sadness; making me feel terrible for making him sad. "I'm sorry Handsome, but you need to be free. As much as I want to keep you for myself it isn't fair - or healthy for you." A tear falls from my eyes, and he licks it. I smile at him as I cup his cheeks before I gently kiss his nose.

I stand up shaking myself trying to not cry in front of him anymore. "Goodbye Handsome, I'll miss you. I love you, I hope that you can find your pack." I bite my lip giving a watery smile, trying to hold myself together. I watch as he turns and begins to walk away, pausing he looks at me. A determined look in his eyes, he gives me a nod of his head as he sprints off into the woods.

That simple act just makes my heart swell a little, it was like he was trying to comfort me, or make a plan to make it easier for me. Of course that is just wishful thinking at this point. No matter how much I want this situation to change - it won't. It will be better this way for him.

I can feel my heart shatter, and a deep pain begins to form and spread from my belly. As I turn my back, I hear a long sincere howl. I whisper one last goodbye as I make my way back to my jeep, tears falling freely. When I sit in my jeep, I finally break down, sobs falling from my lips. It feels like I am losing apart of myself, and it hurts so much. Why does it hurt so much?

As I drive away I can't help all of the tears that fall down my face. Pulling up at the sanctuary I walk through the new and updated building. I make my way to were Handsome spent most of his time, when I had to leave to get things. Sitting down on his large bed; I cry and sob. Holding my knees into my chest I feel so alone. Knowing that Handsome is in a much better place, I just can't help but feel like he is apart of me.

That night, I didn't move, I didn't eat. I just cried on his bed, feeling like I lost one of the best things ever. I had a private pity party - for one. I didn't even lock up the place. I fed the horses and the goat, but I came right back. As I stare out the window, a sad smile comes to my lips as I think of all of the fun we had together. When we played tag out in the field, or when I used him as my pillow at night.

It's always the small things that mean so much. It builds a relationship creates a strong foundation. One that is sure to last over many hardships. To me it makes everything so much more special. A relationship that is built from the little things, is one that is meant to last. That is what I want to have - a love built on the little things. Because in life, that's all that really matters.

Over the next week, I started moving my business, and the animals that I have been taking care of. Right now, I am working on the front of the building, I had someone come in and pressure wash the whole building and concrete parking lot. After removing all of the weeds and old flowers that littered the flower bed, I am preparing the soil for the weed cloth. Hours pass by as I plant new flowers and greenery to liven the place up. Standing I dust off the dirt from my knees and stare at the edging, maybe I should change it up.

I think a colored short picket fence would look really pretty. I could do a soft grey, that way the white building, black roof, and colored flower beds would looks fantastic. Especially with a red mulch. The large open windows allow light and customers to look in to see the amazing art pieces, I'm sure it will be an amazing attraction. As I stare at the building I become lost in thought, a large shadow falls over me, drawing my attention. I mentally scold myself about not paying attention, shaking my head a little.

As I turn around I nearly walked right into a broad chest. Stumbling backwards I nearly end up on my backside. "Oh my!" I call out as I feel myself lose balance. My arms reach out, trying to grasp something. Flailing as I feel my center of gravity tilt on its edge, rocking me backwards.

"Careful there ma'am. Can't have a pretty lady like yourself, falling now can we?" Hearing the deep voice caress my skin as his hands gently catch me. My face heats up with a crimson blush, my lord a voice like that could make me a puddle on the ground. The sun's glare blocks any view I have of the gentleman. Well isn't this a mystery - one that I am more than happy to learn about. 

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