Chapter 7

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"Let me just grab my things and we can head out -" Looking over my shoulder, I pause, waiting to see if I heard something. "Did you hear that?" I asked softly. I swear I heard footsteps, just like that night. The memories come flooding back into my mind, worrying me - making me nervous.

"Yeah, I think someone is here." I hear his voice no longer the smooth sensual voice, but gruff and intimidating. It carries softly, surrounding my body with a protective note. I feel his hands grab my shoulder dragging me closer, into his chest. "You need to hide honey, is there anywhere you can go hide? You have to go hide, I'll take care of this." I look up in his eyes, mine watering once more.

"No, I can't let you go out there, what if they are after me, and hurt you! I can't let you get hurt because of me. If I hide you hide." I whisper shout at him, trying not to cry in front of him. I probably look like a complete fool. Ezekiel growls, like a wolf. Which gives me pause, and major pause - that sound, it was so familiar.

Picking me up he walks down the hall with a stride that eats up the distance in a few steps. "No, I am not putting you in danger. I can handle myself, but I won't allow you to be harmed. Now stay here, and think of Handsome, he'll protect you." I gasp shocked as all heck, how does he know. Ezekiel gives a smile, kisses my forehead, and pushes me in where Handsome had been staying. "Lock yourself in the cage, keep the keys on you, and wait until I come back."

"But, what about -" His finger covers my lips shushing me. I am at a loss for words really.

"Kallista, go hide, where Handsome had you hiding. Trust me, and I'll explain everything later." Tears fall from my eyes as I hear a voice again. Shaking I listen and do exactly as he instructed me. Hiding where Handsome had pulled me the first night. I move to the darkest corner I can find, and slide down the wall. Covering my mouth I try and sit in silence, trying to be as calm as I can.

Why can't they just leave this place alone? I thought that they were after Maria, but they came back. Why are they back? I don't know what I did wrong. I just want them to go away! Closing my eyes I sit in horror as I listen to footsteps, voices and heated arguments. I can hear a fight going on. Oh god, please let Ezekiel be ok. A sense of dread begins to weigh heavily in my belly - unnerving me to no end.

Footsteps echo as they walk down the hall. Please let it be Ezekiel. Please let him be ok. The door opens slowly makes me want to cry out in fear, before Handsome was here. Now I'm just alone. "Kallista, baby? It's me, those men are gone, I took care of them, just like I promised. You can come out, it's safe." I hear Ezekiel's voice, I've never been happier to hear someone's voice. I cry out as I move out of hiding, I unlock the door and sling myself into his arms. I sob into his neck as I shake from fear.

"Why were they here? What did they want? I don't understand." I cry as he holds me tighter. My mind heads straight in that direction, too afraid to find out how he knows Handsome.

"Baby it's ok. I'm not sure what they wanted, but they looked like thugs. They are taken care of. You were very brave, honey. I'm proud of you, I know Handsome is proud of you." I look up at him, wiping my face with shaking hands.

"How do you know of him? I haven't told anyone. I don't understand what's going on Ezekiel." His hands cover mine as he cleans off my tears. This whole night is going to drive me mad - I swear.

"Do you trust me? I'll tell you everything, I think we should get away from here though. It'll be easier, ok?" I nod. I really don't understand any of what is happening - I probably should since I seem to be standing right in the middle of all this nonsense.

"I know I shouldn't trust you but I do. Especially after what happened. I don't want to be here right now." He lifts me with ease and turns away, as I try and talk he stops me.

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