Monday = Loner Yugi Moto

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Disclaimer -

I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! and or its characters. Credit the owners of Yu-Gi-Oh - I just created the storyline of this story and the characters may be a little OOC... But MEH! Please enjoy this! I sure hope you do :)

--- Kura-chan ---


It was almost the end of term, and the students at school were getting agitated; sitting around the classroom, waiting impatiently for their teacher to finish the lesson. They were split up into groups, and it seemed that the teacher did not care for what they did at this point in time – it was almost time to go home anyway.

And so the small, tri-hair coloured boy sat at the back of the class. He gained weird stares from other groups as he was the only one on his own. He had big, round amethyst orbs that seemed friendly and caring, despite his background. The boy was always seen alone, and no-one really interacted with him. Maybe it was because his hair was made up of three colours. First off where the adorable golden bangs that were hanging from either side of his face, closely followed by the black streaks of his star-fished styled hair (which was its natural setting). To top it all off, he had a crimson outline on his hair. And of course, no-one would believe him when he said it was his natural hair colours.

Since the teacher was absent-mindedly reading a book, the boy who sat at the back of the class, on his own, decided to play a game by himself. He took out a small deck of duel monster cards from his bag and began to play his own little version of it. He would match the cards with each other, seeing which one was more powerful than the other.

But first, he had to separate spells and trap cards. A trap or spell couldn’t compete against a monster; it had to work with them. So the boy did just that – being careful when he touched the cards. These were very precious to him, so he didn’t want to damage them or bend them in any which way.

In fact, he was paying such attention to his cards that he forgot about his phone that was left wide open on the desk, and he didn’t notice that the most popular group of people in the class had sent out someone to steal it...and soon enough, it was gone from his sight. Although he was too excited in his small game of matching up cards to be interested in other things right now, and so he didn’t even notice that it was missing.

“So...this is the phone? Pretty crappy, if you ask me.” A harsh voice came from the other side of the classroom, and the boy couldn’t help but glance over. His gaze wasn’t met by the group – but he saw who they were.

The popular kids; the kids he despised. Although the boy was warm, loving and caring, he really did not care for the popular group at all. They didn’t care for him either, so their hate/hate relationship was mutual.

Anyway, back on topic. This boy’s name was Yugi Moto. He was the loner that played games, and the one that was well...lonely. Although his childish face and small features made him always look as if he wasn’t really that alone, and that he must have had at least one friend. Right?

Wrong. Oh, so very wrong. Yugi didn’t have any friends at all, and no-one seemed to understand him.

Sighing, he shuffled his cards and put them back into his school bag. He then realised about what he heard earlier from the group, and his mind registered that his phone was missing from his desk...

The bell went before he could confront them. Yugi hurriedly stashed everything away and was one of the first people to leave the classroom. He rushed down to the lockers and opened his up, taking stuff and packing it in his bag. He was being so quick because he thought that maybe, he could confront them now.

Just as Yugi thought, the group came walking over, examining a flip phone. His eyes widened when he realised that that was his phone.

Why they would take his phone, out of all the other phones that every student had, was a mystery to him. Maybe it was just some sort of misunderstanding. Yeah, that must be it. That had to be it.

As soon as Yugi was finished packing his bag, he sighed, trying to gain up as much courage as possible. It turned out that there were only around three people left in the group. The others must have left and gone home earlier than usual.

This made Yugi’s confidence rise slightly, and he walked over to the three. He didn’t really know who they were, apart from the one who had the phone in his hands and was looking through it.

The one looking through his phone was significantly taller than him. He had a sharp face and sharp, deep eyes that made him look wise. He, too, just like Yugi, had star-fish shaped tri-coloured hair. The only thing that made his hair different from Yugi’s was that he had extra golden streaks that spiked upwards...and also people believed him when he said it was natural.

His name was Yami. Yugi never really knew his surname, but that wasn’t a problem for him. The problem was that even though he tried to confront him, many girls seemed to swarm around Yami, not allowing him access.

I guess I’ll just give up... Yugi sighed dreadfully. He would have to wait until tomorrow, so it seemed. He turned on his heel and began walking out of school grounds. His mind could only begin to wonder what was happening to his phone – and what Yami could be doing with it. He began to grow nervous, since he was walking home alone and trapped in his thoughts, he wouldn’t realise the teen sneaking up behind him.

Yugi squealed when he felt a warm hand on his shoulder, gripping it tightly. Oh no... His mind instantly thought of the bullies that almost constantly torture him every day.

With a shaky figure, he carefully turned around. His heart almost skipped a beat when he saw that it was Yami who had stopped him. Swallowing a large lump in his throat, Yugi spoke to him.

“W...what is it?” He tried to sound strong, but he stuttered. Now he’s going to really torture me...

“This is your phone, isn’t it?” Yami said in his cool, deep tone. Yugi looked over at Yami to see that he was holding his phone in his hand, almost as if giving it to him.

“...Yeah...” Was the murmured reply.

Yami seemed to glare into Yugi’s being, and that made him shiver. This wasn’t what he had planned – he expected one of the usual after school bullies and a beat-up, not a talk about his phone.

“A bet was made on your phone,” Yami explained, as if he was Yugi’s friend or something, “And so now I’m keeping it for a week.”

“W-what?! But- you can’t just take it from me!”

“Unless you can get it back before the week ends – I suggest you keep quiet about me telling you.”

Yugi gulped and held his tongue as Yami continued, “As I was saying...the bet that was placed is a funny one. So if you get your phone back by the end of the week, you’ll get a surprise.”

And with that, Yami turned. But before he left, he took a glance at Yugi, “No-one will bother you for this week either.”

Yugi was a little dumbfounded as Yami left him on the street. What...was that just now? He thought to himself. What did he mean by saying that no-one will bother me this week? Was he talking about the bullies? Yugi frowned slightly, but shrugged it off and turned to go back home.

He was thinking about many things as he walked home. It was strange. Yami had never interacted with him before, and this bet had made him talk to him? It all seemed suspicious. It was as if he wanted to lose the bet he had made.

No matter what, Yugi was hell bent on getting his phone back. He was worried about what would happen to it, since Yami could literally be doing anything with it right now; and that scared Yugi greatly.

Tomorrow I’m going to get my phone back...I have to... He thought to himself as he quietly made it back home.

A Bet, A Stolen Phone And A Love Song (Puzzleshipping)Where stories live. Discover now