Friday Tears (Part Two)

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The voice was like music to his ears. Wiping away his tears and sniffing slightly, Yugi looked up to see Yami standing beside him, a very concerned look on his face.

“Yami...they...didn’t show up...”

Yami bit his lip and opened his mouth as if about to say something, but then closed it just as soon he had opened it. Without warning, Yugi hugged Yami tightly. He didn’t know what else to do; and nor did Yami. He quickly got over his shock and hugged the smaller boy back.

I’m such a wimp...I’m crying because they didn’t show up. How idiotic am I? Yugi scolded himself, while Yami just stayed there, hugging him tightly as if protecting him.

“ you want me to take you home?”

Without thinking about it, Yugi nodded slowly. Very carefully, the warm embrace was removed and Yugi wiped his eyes. He smiled softly at Yami before he carefully guided Yugi home.

Well, Yugi guided Yami to his home but Yami was with him, and that’s all that Yugi cared about. He was just glad that Yami hadn’t left with the crowd, or else he would have just sat there and cried until someone was brave enough to venture over to him and ask what was wrong.

During the journey, Yami tried everything to cheer Yugi up. He told him jokes, told him about his own miseries so that Yugi would feel better; anything. But nothing really seemed to work. Yugi was obviously disappointed and upset – anyone could see that with a simple side glance to the boy.

Eventually, the two boys got to Yugi’s home and Yugi was extremely grateful they had finally made it. Sure, Yami was with him, so he didn’t feel too stupid – but he had had some time to think about what had just happened.

He had just hugged Yami – and without warning. He was surprised that nothing was said though; maybe he was just being a good friend...? Yeah, that was it. He was just being a good friend; it couldn’t be anything else.

 “Do you want me to come in with you?” The question snapped Yugi out of his thoughts.

“S-sure...I think Grandpa is out anyway...and I could use some company right now...” Yugi mumbled in reply, opening the door and walking into the place he called home.

The place had that warm, welcoming atmosphere. It was so nice that it made Yugi smile just walking in. He turned to Yami with his smile.

“Do you...uh...want some tea or something?”


Yugi nodded and walked over to the kitchen, motioning for Yami to sit down in the living room. Yugi saw a note on the dining table; from his Grandpa. He smiled lightly, he already knew his Grandpa was out to get some more games for his shop – but he read the letter anyway. Yep, just states what I thought. He then placed the letter down and continued making tea.

And then Yugi’s attention was brought back to Yami. Yugi had to admit, Yami was a very...curious house guest. When he came back with tea for him, Yami was looking around the house as if he owned the place. He was looking on shelves, around the TV, and right now, he was on his hands and knees and looking underneath the coffee table.

Okay...this is weird...

“Yami? I have your tea... What the hell are you doing?”

“I’m just looking around for songs... Do you have any favourite love songs, Yugi?”

The question was possibly one of the most unexpected things Yugi had ever been asked in his life.

“Any songs?” Yugi questioned back.

“Yep. That’s what I said,” Yami stood up, dusting his school trousers off and walking over to Yugi and taking the tea from him.

“Uh...I haven’t really given it much thought before...” Yugi answered honestly.

“That’s good!” Yami took a sip of his tea before continuing, “You’ll understand what’s going on in a minute, don’t worry.”

“...You are really confusing, Yami.”

“I know.”

“I’ll just...put my bag my room...okay?” Without saying anything else, Yugi made a quick dash to go to his bedroom. Yami had never acted this weird before. Sure, Yugi had only known him for five days, but that didn’t mean he didn’t know how Yami acted.

Yugi had made a fair judgement on Yami. He had decided that Yami was very carefree, he was fun to be around, and he was popular. Judging upon the way that Yami had just acted, Yugi could add in a few more judgements. Yami was likely to be very curious, and maybe a little bit dense. No, rephrase that; maybe a lot more dense than he let on.

With a sigh, Yugi placed his bag in his room and looked around. His bed was a mess from when he left the house this morning. He decided against fixing it; he really couldn’t be bothered right now. He had a lot of things on his mind.

Just at that moment, Yugi heard music coming from the living room. Oh for the love of-...what’s Yami up to now?

He slowly moved down the stairs, and with a feeling of dread, walked into the living room. Yugi saw Yami calmly listening to music and sitting on the couch, as if...trying to think of something.

Now confused, Yugi walked over to Yami and sat down beside him. He wasn’t expecting Yami to fall off of the couch at the sudden adjustment in position. It only took Yugi a few minutes to process what was happening before he was on the laughing his head off, rolling around the couch in uncontrollable fits of laughter.

“It’s not that funny!”

“ just...! And just...rolled off...POOF!” Yugi couldn’t stop laughing.

He didn’t even stop laughing to notice that he was falling off of the couch. When he did realise, he gave a small yelp of surprise.


Before Yugi could hit the ground, Yami had caught him and now they were in an awkward position that made Yugi’s cheeks flush crimson.

Yami didn’t seem to be phased by what was happening. He was holding Yugi almost as if he was a bride, and he himself was on his knees. The close contact of his friend made Yugi feel butterflies in his stomach.

“S-sorry...” Yugi mumbled, but his words were cut short as Yami slowly leaned down and placed a gentle, loving kiss on Yugi’s lips.

 All Yugi could do was watch as his amethyst orbs went wide, his cheeks flushed a brilliant shade of crimson, and as Yami closed his eyes.

When Yami pulled away, Yugi had a weird feeling of needing more. But no, he wouldn’t embrace that feeling. Yami smiled at him and ruffled his hair before placing Yugi carefully on his knees on the floor.

Yugi then watched as Yami stood up and walked over to where the music was coming from. He continued to watch as he carefully changed the song and acted as if nothing had happened before.

How can he do that? Yugi thought, how can he act as if nothing had happened? He just...kissed me! At least acknowledge it or something...

And then Yami did something that surprised Yugi further. As an old love song played in the background, Yami moved Yugi up onto the couch and sat in front of him. Without any warning, he began to sing.

It was just so beautiful to listen to; Yugi couldn’t help but find he was captivated. He must have looked like a complete idiot – watching Yami like a hawk as his voice bounced around the room, being accompanied by the sweet melody of the rhythm behind him.

And yet, despite how dense Yugi was, and how Yami was being completely and utterly random, Yugi could only admit one thing.

It fit. 

A Bet, A Stolen Phone And A Love Song (Puzzleshipping)Where stories live. Discover now