Saturday Thoughts

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~Authors Note~

Hello! Kura-chan here.

I just want to say that I am really sorry for not updating sooner, and then I want to say sorry again for this update being a short one. I'm sorry, but it's the best my brain has to offer right now. The October Week ended and now I'm back at school, so updates might be a little bit quicker.

But school equals less updates, right?

Not for me xD

School will give me incidents that I can work on and make in my story :P I hope this week gives me something to work I can hopefully update weekly instead of fortnightly. I really don't wanna do that to you guys. 

So, again, sorry for slow updates and short updates and I promise to try and pick up the pace a little! I swear I'll update stories instead of just reading them and then complaning when other people don't update cause...that's hypocritical, really. 

Anyways, I own the plot...nothing more. Nothing. More. :P Enjoy this very short part XD

--- Kura-chan ---



Today, the birds’ chirping could be heard from even closed windows; their melodies being played non-stop, until they got bored of their own tune and sang to a different beat. It wasn’t every day you heard the birds sing with such a joy in their voice.

But today, Yugi wasn’t bothered. His thoughts were too occupied with the events of what had happened the previous day, and what Yami had done. He couldn’t get him out of his head, and that annoyed him.

He lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling. No matter what he did, his thoughts were filled with Yami.


With a frustrated groan, he sat up and tugged at his hair. “Get out of my head!” He felt like screaming, but he just mumbled very loudly instead.

Yugi had spent most of his morning thinking about Yami. He had even tried to do normal things to get his mind off of him.

He ate breakfast, he watched TV, and he even played video games. Despite his efforts, no matter what he did – Yami always appeared in his mind.

At the moment, he was just accepting the fact that he couldn’t get rid of his thoughts for Yami. He still wanted to get rid of them, but he just physically couldn’t.

As his mind swirled with thoughts of Yami, the door bell rang. It snapped Yugi from his constant chain of thought as he ventured from his room to answer it.

Yugi was surprised to see Ryou standing at the door.

“Hi, Yugi!” Ryou seemed very cheerful.

“Hello! Come in,” Yugi smiled, stepping aside to let Ryou in.

The white-haired boy obliged, walking into the main room. Ryou kept a wide grin on his face, and Yugi was very curious as to why. But he wouldn’t pry upon it right now.

“Do you want some tea?” Yugi offered while closing the door.

“Sure, if you don’t mind.”

Yugi’s thoughts were finally occupied with something else, Ryou. He was just happy that his friend was okay. He hadn’t seen him in a while and so he was generally worried for his wellbeing, like all good friends should be.

The boy came back with tea for Ryou and motioned for him to sit down. Once the two were seated, Yugi thought for it to be a good time to question his friend.

“So, Ryou, what brings you here?”

“Oh, I decided to come down to visit. I was starting to get lonely...” Ryou saddened slightly, but then easily perked up again. Yugi picked up on this, but didn’t say anything.

“Were you sick on Friday? I didn’t see you at all...”

“Oh no I was in school,” Ryou drank some tea before continuing. “I just have a lot going on that day.”


“Yeah. Plus, we only have one class together on a Friday and it’s the last class of the day – and I had a music lesson then.”

“You play an instrument?” Yugi was intrigued – he never thought of Ryou as a musical person.

“Yeah. I play piano~” Ryou grinned a little.

Yugi laughed, “Oh okay.”

After an awkward silence, Ryou began to speak up again.

“...Anything exciting happen yesterday?”

And that was when Yugi started having the thoughts about Yami again. He started to blush wildly and he coughed, trying to keep himself calm. “Um, well...uh...”

“Oh! How did the thing with the note go?”

Thank Ra he remembered that... Yugi thought to himself.

“Well...not so good. You see, I was waiting for them...but they must have not noticed me and walked right by or something and I just...sorta broke down and cried.”

“Aw...Yugi...” Ryou saddened slightly, “I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s okay!” The younger reassured his friend, “Yami found me and came back with me. He was really nice, too.”

“Oh...?” Ryou suddenly quirked and eyebrow, “He found you, did he?”

“Yeah...why are you-...RYOU!”

Yugi picked up the cushion beside him and whacked Ryou on the head with it. The white-haired boy pouted, but then the two broke into a fit of giggles immediately after.

“Nothing like that happened!” Even though he was trying to stay as calm as possible, it just wasn’t going Yugi’s way today. His blush wouldn’t fade as more thoughts of Yami popped into his head.

“Why are you blushing then?”

“Because you’re asking something like that!”

“You wouldn’t be blushing if nothing happened...”

“FINE! Something did happen!”

“Aaaaand what was that thing?”

“...Yami fell off of the couch...I fell after him...he caught me...” Yugi didn’t get to finish, it seemed that Ryou put two and two together.

“And then you kissed?”


“And now you can’t stop thinking about him?”

“...Yep.” Yugi hung his head and sighed.

“I think I can help you. Here, let’s play a game,” Yugi instantly perked up at the mention of a game, and Ryou continued with a somewhat cheeky smile on his face. “I’ll ask you a question and you answer with the first thing that pops into your head, okay?”

“Okay.” Yugi shifted position and cleared his mind, getting ready for the game.

“First question, fish or fruit?”


“Oranges or pears?”


“Purple or red?”


“Are you in love with Yami?”


Ryou smiled and Yugi felt like his jaw dropped through all the way to Australia. I...I love Yami?

That’s right...I’m in love with Yami!

A Bet, A Stolen Phone And A Love Song (Puzzleshipping)Where stories live. Discover now