Friday Tears (Part One)

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Y S... Y S...Who in the hell is Y S!?

That was all Yugi could think about as he walked to school that Friday morning. The sun relentlessly beat down on his small body, but he was too distracted to even consider walking in the shade to help his situation.

Just as he was regaining his senses, a familiar voice rang in his ears, making him snap his head to the right to see Yami running over to him.

Yugi found himself admiring small features of Yami that he’d never noticed before. How his hair swayed with every step he took, how he magnificently ran towards him in a cool, civilized manner...

And yet, he didn’t realise it.

Soon Yami was next to him, breathing harder than usual because of his run. The elder teen ruffled Yugi’s hair, as if they had been friends for more than just a few days. With a small squeal, Yugi quickly fixed his spiky attire.

“Hey, have you seen Ryou?” He suddenly asked.

“Ryou?” Yami blinked, a little unsure of what was being asked of him. He looked somewhat disappointed, and Yugi couldn’t tell why. “Nope, I haven’t seen him. I just got here.”

“Oh...He’s usually waiting for me here,” Yugi said, taking in the scenery.

Ryou wasn’t there that morning, waiting at the corner of the road as usual. Since only two days ago, Ryou had begun to wait for Yugi at around this time. They would chat on the way to school, and then wait for Yami. But now, since Ryou wasn’t here...things seemed...awkward between the two teens.

 But that didn’t stop casual conversation from arising – simple things like asking what you had for dinner last night made the conversation last as they finally made it to school. Yugi almost freaked out when he saw that the bullies were gathered around at the gate, conversing in something that Yugi didn’t want to understand.

Yami frowned, although Yugi didn’t realise it – since he was too busy staring at the people who could potentially leave a few scars on his body. The elder teen calmly and almost instinctively put his arm around Yugi’s shoulder, whispering into his ear.

“Remember, they can’t harm you anymore.”

Yugi jumped at the small whisper, but then realised it was just Yami trying his best to reassure him. He smiled at Yami and nodded.

“Yeah…I just…”

“You just what?”

“I just get scared whenever I see them. I guess its instinct, you know?” He sighed and moved onward into the school grounds, ending their conversation abruptly.


It was now lunch, and there was still no sign of Ryou. Yugi had at least hoped that Ryou would come in late, with some excuse like he slept in, and then he could talk about him about how scared he was.

Why was he scared? He was about going to meet someone at the end of the school day, and he had no idea what their intentions were. Other than that, Yami was supposed to be giving him his ‘surprise’ today, too. How Yugi handled it all, he didn’t know.

The small boy sighed, walking along the corridors to eventually make it outside. Being a Friday, a lot of people usually went out for lunch; going to the usual café or chip shop. Yugi, however, was different. He’d rather stay inside and eat silently on his own, probably in some of the shade a tree had given him.

And that’s where he was. But he wasn’t alone.

Yami was talking to him, and didn’t even realise that Yugi was too lost on thought to even recognise speech. When his voice finally got through and registered in Yugi’s head, however, it was too late to even consider answering.

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