Sunday Love

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Yugi had hardly had any time to comprehend his thoughts – as for now, he was waiting in the park. It had hastily turned to Sunday, and Yugi was honestly bursting inside and out. Luckily for him, Ryou had decided to tag along to calm his nerves.


“I’ love with Yami?”

“Yes, yes you are!” Ryou laughed slightly, patting his friend on the head a few times.


“I don’t know, Yugi. But, hey, now you know, you need to confess! It’s easy!”

Yugi paled slightly, “Don’t act like you’ve already done it!”

“But I have!”

“WHAT?!” Yugi was dumbfounded.

The innocent, sweet Ryou, had already confessed to someone?!


“What did they say?”

“We’re a couple now because I confessed...and you want to be a couple with Yami, right?”

Sighing a little, Yugi nodded. He really couldn’t deny the fact that he wanted something more with the elder teen. But wouldn’t it ruin their friendship if Yami did reject him? They would have awkward conversations in the halls. But then...Yami was the one that acted first and kissed him...

After a long silence of debating, Yugi nodded. “Yes...I want to be with him.”

“Then let me help you with that!”

~End Flashback~


Thinking about what had happened made Yugi a little scared. Sure, he wanted to confess to Yami, but this soon after realising his feelings? It could go really badly, and they might not even be friends after it. But then again, wasn’t Yami the one who kissed him? Surely it would go just as Ryou planned. Yugi didn’t doubt his friend; he was as bright as a button after all.

Letting out a sigh, the small boy scanned the area around him. The park was filled with children getting the last chance of play they had before they had to go to school tomorrow. Their parents trying to gather them, their parents trying to stop them from going crazy; all of it was cute nonetheless.

“When do you think they’ll get here?” Yugi asked, looking up at Ryou.

The white-haired boy shrugged, “Soon, I hope.”

“I wonder what your partner looks like...” Yugi murmured.

“He’s hot.”

“Well yeah to you, obviously!”

The two boys began to giggle when Ryou was suddenly pulled into an embrace by a taller man.

He had sharp eyes – almost like Ryou’s brown, but the colour was more tinted to fit a rusted red. His hair was exactly like Ryou’s, apart from two segments at the front. To Yugi, they looked sort of like bat wings. The man wore a plain white top with a light blue polo shirt on top; left unbuttoned, and to go with the polo shirt, jeans were worn with the exact same tone.

Yugi blinked and in an instant the two were separated. He smiled slightly to see Ryou happy with this man.

“Yugi, this is him! Bakura, meet Yugi, Yugi, meet Bakura!”

A Bet, A Stolen Phone And A Love Song (Puzzleshipping)Where stories live. Discover now