It's Only Tuesday

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Hello! I'd really like to get peoples opinion on this story. It came randomly into my head while looking for original character ideas and I decided to make it into a yeah...

If I could get some opinions on what other people think about it so I can continue with it...I may just stop it... ;-; I DUNNO

Anyways, I hope you enjoy! Also I wrote the last few paragraphs
using my phone, so I'll correct it later!

Disclaimer - I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh and or it's characters and I don't want any credit for this. I just created the storyline and plopped the characters into it. Like seriously just sorta put them in there...against their own will... :D


--- Kura-chan ---


Oh no! No, no, no! It's only Tuesday morning, I haven't even made it to school yet, and I'm still being chased down! This day could NOT be any worse-

Yugi's thoughts were interrupted when he turned the corner and bumped into a certain person. He fell right back into the group he was being chased by. His eyes widened when he felt rough hands grab him, a chuckle escaping from the throat of the person. ...I believe it just got worse; Yugi corrected himself from his thoughts only mere seconds ago.

"Heh thanks Yami, now we have him right where we want him."

Yugi was too scared, no, he was too terrified of the voice that spoke roughly above him. He let himself be flung over the bully's shoulder and without warning, he was dragged off. Unknown to him, a certain teen had an eyebrow raised and began following the group, a little disgruntled and unhappy with what he had just witnessed.

Meanwhile, the small star-fish haired teen was, quite literally, shaking in his boots as he was firmly placed down in some unknown alley. His eyes were shut tight as he heard laughs and sniggering from the bullies that surrounded him. Well...I'm doomed. I'll never get my phone back now...

"Hello, little Yugi..." A voice he knew all too well, "You know, you're such a weirdo. You accept this like its normal. Ha! What a lame kid. And your hair is so horrible. I mean, you can never pull it off. Just stop trying, kid."

Yugi had grown tired of the usual insults by now...but they still hurt so much. Ever since he was little, everyone had always called him names and how he was different. It hurt a lot - being alone every day and never having a shoulder to cry on. That was the worst part of it all. No-one would ever care for him.

Swallowing a large lump in his throat, Yugi realised he wasn't pinned to the wall yet. He took this opportunity to look the bully in the eye and reply to him.

"It's my co-" Yugi coughed up a bit of blood as he was hit hard in the chest by the balled fist that was aimed at him. His small body couldn't handle the aftermath, and he was sent flying into the wall behind him as the tangy taste of blood lingered on his tongue.

"Don't give us that excuse, kid...Also..." As Yugi was slumped against the wall, the bully grabbed his shirt and pulled him forwards, a smugly fit smirk visible on his face. "We know your secret."

Yugi's whole world seemed to stop in its tracks. Time itself seemed to stop, and everything had one big meltdown. How could they have found out? Yugi was sure that no-one would find out. He was positive that he never told anyone apart from his grandpa, and even then it was still pretty scary.

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