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It had been over a month since the incident at the park. Yugi and Yami had been dating since then, and so far it has been going smoothly. 

They had had no problems so far. The pair were both a cute couple - and despite some mild hate; no-one objected.

Most of the hate came from Yami's fangirls, and of course, being the gentleman Yami was, he swore to protect Yugi from their rage. He held onto that promise.

It had now become the middle of summer. Every day was either spent with Yami, Ryou and Bakura, or just Yami. Yugi had to admit - he was loving every second of it. 

Yugi had gotten to know his friends better. He had now learned that Bakura was a righteous daredevil, meanwhile Ryou balanced him out by being sweet and kind; they were perfect for each other. 

Bakura always complained when Yugi brought this up, and argued that Yugi and Yami balanced each other out too. Yami was the sexy one, while Yugi was more cute. To Yugi's surprise, Ryou and Yami agreed with him. At this, his face blushed a bright red. To make matters worse, Yami hugged Yugi tightly, resulting in a harder blush. Bad luck for Yugi.

At the present time, Yugi was sitting in the living room, expecting Yami any minute now. He had some things to confirm with him - some things from school, that is.

Finally, said person slowly walked into the living room. Yugi had told him to come in when he wanted.

"Yugi?" Yami's deep voice called out.

With a happy hop in his step, Yugi got up and attacked Yami with a hug, "Hello, you!"

Despite just being attacked, Yami hugged back. "There you are~! So you asked me to come?"

"Yep!" Yugi reluctantly let go of his leather clad boyfriend and ushered him over to the couch.

Once Yami was seated, Yugi took out a note and handed it to him. Yami took the note and read through it. 

"This is-"

"The note I got in my locker, yeah. I've had some time to think about it...you wrote that letter, didn't you?"

After some silence, Yami let out a disgruntled sigh, "Yeah...it was me."

"Why were you late that day, then? And why did you write it anyway?" Yugi sat down and folded his arms against his chest.

Yami looked directly at Yugi's amethyst orbs before talking.

"Well...the bet was actually a thing I put myself up for. That way, I could just return the phone to you and become friends. Once I achieved that, I planned on confessing."

"Confess? To me?" Yugi was thoroughly surprised.

"Yes," Yami answered with a nod, "I had been watching you from afar for a long time. That observation turned into a crush...and soon enough, I found myself wanting to be friends with you...to be close with you...and it seems my little scheme worked!" 

Yugi began to laugh, "So if it was you who wrote that note...what's your surname?"



"Sa. Da. Ka!" Yami repeated.



Yugi sat back in his seat. His mind could be put at ease now that that was out of the way, "Oh, right!"

Yami just replied with a chuckle. He then unexpectedly pulled Yugi close to him and held him close, humming as he stroked Yugi's hair. 

Yugi had actually gotten used to this by now. No matter where they were, Yami would randomly hold him close and start to hum and stroke Yugi's wild hair. His cheeks bore the colour of crimson as he smiled softly, snuggling into Yami's embrace. 

Yami was actually too warm for Yugi to comprehend. Every time the two snuggled, Yugi felt like he was being encased in a microwave. And the microwave was on at a very high temperature. 

But he didn't say anything. He wouldn't say anything - he didn't dare ruin the moment that he so lovingly enjoyed. Everything had been like a dream since Yami had come into his life.

It was almost like a story. Yugi didn't actually expect any of this to happen in anyone's life. It was almost as if something supernatural happened. Suddenly, his phone was stolen from him. Then he gains two new friends and then a couple of days later he gains a boyfriend? Win!

"So Yugi..." 

"Hm?" Yugi restrained himself from giggling - he could feel the vibrations from Yami talking.

"What was that thing that they were beating you up over?"

Ah. Damn. Yugi let out a sigh and shifted position to look up at Yami, "It's a little embarrassing..."

"I want to know about it~" Yami grinned and huggled Yugi tighter.

"Well...the reason...was..." Yugi mumbled the last part of his sentence.


"It was because of...well... I'm a really big fan of games...and...anime...and...well...I also like...cartoons...certain...cartoons..."

"...Can I beat them up later?"

"What?! No!" Yugi frowned, poking Yami hard on the chest, "You cannot!"

"Why not?" Yami frowned also, not from the poke in the chest, but from the rejection of not being allowed to hurt the people who hurt his Yugi.

"Because! Violence only leads to more violence, Yami!" 

"But isn't that the point?"

"What?! NO!" Yugi sighed in frustration, rubbing his temples and leaning into Yami more.

Yami grinned. This was his plan along. He snuggled into Yugi happily and kissed his forehead, "I'm sorry, aibou."

Yami and Yugi had been giving pet names to each other. Yami called Yugi his 'aibou' and Yugi called Yami his 'mou hitori no boku'. Both of them liked the Egyptian culture and they knew a lot of Japanese, so they decided to do a little mix-up. It was actually quite satisfying to have nicknames for each other.

Yugi grinned at his nickname and hugged Yami tightly. The two stayed like this for a long time, snuggling and hugging each other. They didn't even notice that it had become quite late. Well, of course they haven't noticed.

They both fell asleep against each others embrace. 


And now it has offically ended. For good. 

I hope you all enjoyed reading this story! I liked making it. It can be fun making any story, only if you enjoy it yourself as much as your readers do, though.

I'll see you around, then, won't I? *Wink wink nudge nudge*

Be prepared for a tendershipping fanfiction...IN THE NEAR FUTURE!

--- Kura-chan ---

A Bet, A Stolen Phone And A Love Song (Puzzleshipping)Where stories live. Discover now