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"Maybe I should go and talk to him?" I ask Maddie over the phone. I called her after I saw the interview

"Just wait for a little bit. If he really loves you, he'll come to you, maybe," she says as the baby kicks. The kicks aren't so painful anymore, they are more like baby kicks now.

"I told him, not to look for me, Maddie. He doesn't even know where my parents live," I say and hear how she takes a deep breath

"You made a decision, Char and now you're going to have to live with it," she says as I see that someone is calling me on Skype. Kenny

"Just a second, Mads. I guess, the coach told the guys when they can talk to me and now Kenny is calling me," I say and accept the call. I see him sitting in his room and talking with someone behind the computer.

"Oh, don't hang up on me, Charlotte. Let me hear what he has to say, I don't have anything smarter to do," she says and I please her wish. I put her on speaker and wave to Kenny

"What do you want?" I ask him and he looks at me. He hasn't realised that I accepted the call, yet

"I want an explanation but we'll get there. First, he wants to talk to you," Kenny says and I see how Anders comes and sits down beside him

"Hi," he says awkwardly, I want to say the same thing back but the screaming from my phone stops me

"Cancel the call!" Maddie screams and I turn off the speaker. I excuse myself for a minute and go talk to her in the kitchen

"Are you insane?! And about which call were you talking about?" I ask her with anger in my voice

"You can't talk to him, you just broke up with him. You need to tell him that you need time to think," she says and I roll my eyes

"Yeah, you can do that in your life but this is my life," I say and go back to the living room

"Charlotte! Charlotte!! Char! Charlotte Ashley Johansson!" she screams but I ignore her

"Goodbye, Madison," I say and just cancel the call. I sit back on the couch and put on a nice smile

"She'll be fine, she just needs a little less caffeine," I say and we all laugh. I put a blanket over me and wait for someone to say something

"Okay, I'm going to leave you two to talk. Text me when you're done because I need to talk to her too," he says to Anders and I hear how he shuts the door behind him.

"So, why did you call?" I ask him, I can feel the tension between us. It's like we're meeting each other again.

"Because you left in a hurry and left me just a note and the engagement ring. I just wish you'd talk to me about it because I know that you must be feeling terrible due to my memory loss. I didn't want to bring it up because I thought you didn't want to talk about it but I really wished you'd say something. Anything would work," he explains. I look away from him, down to my cold hands

"I didn't want to talk about it. I thought that not talking about it would make this whole thing easier but it didn't, so, I did the only thing I could. I ran away from you, from the pain, from everything. I know that I shouldn't have done it but I just couldn't face the fact that my own fiancee doesn't remember me. I thought that it happened because I was a bad memory and that you never really loved me. It was easier to run away than to face everything," I tell him and push the tears aside

"But I did and I still do love you, Charlotte. I never stopped, I know that. Maybe I don't really remember how we met or when our first kiss was or who said I love you first. But I remember that I love you and I remember that you were and still are the best thing that has ever happened to me. And I know that you think that I don't remember you and us, and you are right about it but you are pregnant with my baby. With my child and the last thing I'd do right now would leave you alone," he says as a tear falls from my eye. I wipe it away but I can feel the tears in my eyes.

"I love you too but I don't think we should try again. Maybe we should just spend some time apart, to think about everything that has happened," I say as more tears start running down my cheeks

"If you really want to, I won't object you. But I need you not to quit, please. Don't give up your job because of me," he asks and I nod

"Okay, I'll stay," I say and wipe some tears from my cheeks but there really is no difference

"I love you," he says and I can see the tears in his eyes. He doesn't let them fall but they're there

"I love you too," I say before I cancel the call

Then I just sit in the living room for a few minutes and cry. I let all the tears, I've held inside for the last day, out. I think about all the times we've spent together, everything we went through but we stayed strong. Now, his memory loss has set us apart. I can feel the baby kicking and I put my hand on my bump where the baby's kicking.

"Mommy loves you baby and so does daddy. We both love you," I whisper and feel the baby kicking again. It's like the baby would hear me and understand me.

"Of course, she's up. Not everyone sleeps til noon like you used to do," I hear mom's voice outside. I quickly wipe the tears away and place the computer on my lap. I open my email and do what I told Anders I would, I text the coach.

DAYS WE'VE SPENT APART (Anders Fannemel)Where stories live. Discover now