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"I told him that he can't talk to you for a while," Anders answers my question about what he told Kenny, while the plane takes off

"And how long is 'a while'?" I ask him while looking out of the window and thinking about Alex

"Until you want to talk to him," he says, well I don't think I'll want to talk to him in a near future.

I forgave him but I don't think I want to discuss this with him, I'd happily talk to him about everything else just not about what happened between us.

"You're not going to call your mother or father this weekend, okay?" Anders suddenly says and I turn my head in a second

"No, not okay. I need to know what's going on with Alex, if he's alright, how he's doing. I need to know," I say and shake my head. He puts his hand on my cheek and moves my hair from it.

"I talked to your mother and she agreed with me. It's just for this one weekend, you need to relax and take a little break from everything," he says and I can feel how I'm going to lose it soon

"I can't take a break, other parents don't take a break either. I can't leave him like that," I say as he kisses me

"You're not leaving him, babe. You're just taking a break, not every parent has a chance to do so," he tries to assure me that I'm not going to be a bad mother if I take a break

"But I don't want a break, I need to see him. I need to know that he's okay," I say and try to push away the tears that came from thinking of not seeing Alex

"He's going to be okay. You have to trust, Char. You're going away for every weekend practically, you may not be with him on the New Year's Eve if you break the first time you go away it'll only kill you more the next week and the week after that," he says, he's right but just thinking about not being with my son on the new year's eve, it makes me feel sick

"But I can't spend his first new year's eve without him, I need to there, I want to be there," I say, I hug him and bury my face into his shirt

"You'll be there, I promise. But only if you won't call this weekend," he says and kisses my head

"That's blackmailing," I say and move away from him, he laughs but shakes his head

"It's making compromises," he says and I shake my head but don't say anything more

The next few hours go by really quickly, we land and get to the hotel then we unpack, I have to go through all the files to see if any of the guys have any psychological problems and tell the coach about it. I can see that all of them have a lot on their mind but mostly just the usual stuff, then I go through Kenny's file and I watch him training for some time and see that this isn't going to work. Until I talk to him about what happened between us, he won't be able to concentrate on his jumps.

I ask him to come to my room after dinner as I know that Anders will be there too and I won't be alone.

"I ask Kenneth to come over," I say as we get into the room after dinner. He stops walking for a second but then turns around.

"Are you going to talk to him about what happened?" he asks me and I nod. I sit down on the bed and stretch my arms forward in his direction

"Yeah, I noticed that until this isn't over, he won't be as concentrated as he should be on his jumps," I say as he sits down beside me on the bed

"Okay, do you want me here or should I leave?" he asks and already stands up and gets ready to leave

"I'd really like if you'd be here," I say and he smiles. He kisses me and I go through his hair with my hands when we hear knocking. Anders goes to open the door and lets Kenny in

"You wanted to talk to me?" he asks and I nod. He sits down on one of the two chairs in the room while I and Anders sit on the bed

"I know that you're probably extremely sorry for what you did and I know that it wasn't intentional. I crossed the line when I said what I said, so I'm sorry. But that didn't give you the right to slap me and I was angry on you for a while but I'm not anymore. I forgive you and I need you to stop worrying about that, what happened, happened and no one can change that," I say and he stands up. He comes closer and stops just in front of the bed

"I am really really really sorry for what I did, Charlotte. I really am and to you too Anders. I overreacted. You are my best friend, babe. I really hope you forgive me genuinely because I don't want you to forgive me just so I'll jump better," he says and sits down beside me on the bed

"Sorry to interrupt but I call her babe, she's not your babe, okay?" Anders says and we all laugh

"We're going to discuss this best friend thing another time. I'm just glad that we're okay because I really missed you," I say and hug him.

He hugs me back and we just hug each other for a while until Anders decides to stop it.

"Okay, enough," he says and pulls me away from him

"Good night, you two," Kenny just says and leaves the room

"You're my babe," Anders says and kisses me before I get a chance to get up and go to the bathroom

"I really am," I say and kiss him back





Thank you for all your support and reading! If you have any questions or comments please ask/tell.


A. S. T.

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