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"Just stay calm and don't lose it," Charlotte whispers as we go downstairs to the kitchen. We just put Alex to bed, the guys came about 5 minutes ago and the coach let them in while we were upstairs

"I love you, Charlotte," I whisper before we enter the kitchen. I see them all sitting around the table and then two empty chairs for us. We sit down and wait for someone to say something.

"We're sorry. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have doubted in your decision, Charlotte and I shouldn't have doubted in your feelings, Anders. I thought that I was doing the right thing but I wasn't, I just wanted you to be happy and I hope you could forgive me and the others," Robert says. I feel how Charlotte squeezes my hand to control herself and I look at her.

She looks at me and I can see in her eyes that she is still hurt but doesn't want to deal with this anymore. I slightly nod and she looks back at Robert.

"Okay, we forgive you. But if this ever happens again..." she starts but I interrupt her

"I'll quit the team. If this happens again I'm quitting," I say and see how the guys look at each other surprised

I can see Charlotte looking at me with disapproval but she doesn't say anything.

"It won't, we promise," Kenny says and I can see Charlotte slightly rolling her eyes, she doesn't believe them. I don't believe them either but they're my friends and they mean a lot to me.

"Okay, now that we have this cleared out, I guess you are free," the coach tries to break the tension but nobody really knows what to do.

"Char, can I talk to you? Privately?" Kenny asks Char, she looks at me and I let go of her hand

They go to the living room while we all stay in the kitchen, we're all quiet then we suddenly hear a sound like someone would slap someone. I automatically stand up and run to the living room. I can see Kenny standing in shock with his hand on his mouth and I'm pretty sure he's saying that he's sorry, Charlotte is standing in front of him with her head slightly tilted on the right. It takes me a second to figure out what has happened.

"Get out," I say, Kenny doesn't do anything, he just stands there probably still in shock

"Get out!" I say again a little bit louder and he finally looks at me. I can see the coach dragging him away out of the house but the others stay inside.

"Wasn't I clear enough?! Get out!" I scream at them and they all get out of the house in a second.

I go to Charlotte, she is sitting on the couch with her head on her hands. I can see that she's crying, I sit down beside her, put my arms around her and try to calm her down.

"What happened?" I ask her after she calms down a little bit

"I told him that I don't believe that they're sorry especially him because I know him and Robert. He told me that he's sorry but that he still thinks the same then I told him that maybe if he'd look around a little bit and wouldn't be so concentrated on his own thoughts maybe he'd see that you're not lying and then he slapped me," she slowly explains while crying

I know that they want to protect her but this has gone past all the boundaries. I love Charlotte and I don't know why can't they accept this. What has happened when I was in a coma that they became so protective over her?

"I love you, sweetie, I love you," I whisper and kiss her on her head

We spend the morning watching TV and cooking lunch, I want to get her to think about something else than what happened earlier and I kind of succeeded. After lunch, Alex wakes up and she feeds and changes him. He doesn't want to fall asleep so we put his baby swing on the coffee table in the living room and him in it. He slowly falls asleep while swinging after 10 minutes.

"He's smiling," Charlotte suddenly says and it's true. There is a light smile on Alex's face but it slowly disappears after a minute or two.

"Look, babe. I have to go take care of something, I'll be back before you'll notice that I'm gone. Okay?" I ask her and I can see in her eyes that she knows where I'm going

"Just don't get too angry too quickly. Tell them what you want and then leave. Okay? Promise me," she says and kisses me with her soft and cold lips

"I promise," I say and kiss her back. I give a little kiss to Alex on his head and then go put on the jacket and the shoes.

It's not so cold outside as I expected but it's still cold. I walk to Robert's house as I suppose that the guys are there. I hesitate a little bit before I ring the doorbell but in the end, I do. I hear footsteps coming towards the door and then see Robert when he opens them.

"You all here?" I ask him and he nods. He lets me in and I walk towards the kitchen as I hear someone talking there.

The conversation dies as I come into the room and everyone stares at me like they'd see a ghost.

"You had no right to do what you did but you did it and we moved past it. I get it that you're worried and scared for her but you know me, I'm your friend. I'm still the same person as I was before the accident and I still love Charlotte more than anything. And I don't care what kind of excuses you have because it doesn't matter, we forgave you for what you did and say. But after that, you had no right to do what you did, Kenny. Absolutely no right. And it's not on me to forgive you, that's on her and I can tell you that you need a miracle if you want her to forgive you. But I am disappointed in you, in all of you. Because at one point I really really thought you trusted me but I guess all these years we've spent together weren't enough," I say and turn around and get out of the house back to mine

DAYS WE'VE SPENT APART (Anders Fannemel)Where stories live. Discover now