Dear Mastermind,

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I wish I ran out of things to say to you.
Cause this shit here ain't helping me forget,
They know I wish we never met.
I wish I didn't remember you.
Can't burn the memories, you know I wish I could.
I'm tired of these bags under my eyes,
From sleepless nights of reminsing about old times.
I only write when the sadness gets to deep.
I only sleep when I'm feeling too weak.
I eat the bullshit they feed me.
Then I throw it up, when you read me,
You see the pain that seeps through my skin.
My veins throbbing,
Jaw clenched, cheekbones prominent.
My brain hurts from thinking about you.
I ain't alive.
I'm barely breathing.
You stole everything I had,
Until I was nothing.

With love,


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