Julien The Cancer Patient

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Name: Julien Nicolas

Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 29

Personality: He's quiet, never talks unless has to, and has trust issues with strangers. He's generally shy and not very outgoing, although goes to local bars or such occasionally, to feel less lonely at the university.

Background: He dedicated his life, despite knowing it wouldn't be too long, to studying mathematics. He was diagnosed at 12, thankfully in the very early stages of the illness, with aggressive CLL. The same cancer that took his mother's life years earlier. He has outlived every life expectancy the doctors gave him, responding well to treatment, and leading an obsessively healthy and introverted lifestyle. He cares for his hair a lot, refusing to cut it since it started growing back when he went into remission.

Looks: 5'11", long, but thinned out, platinum blonde hair, and light blue eyes. He usually just wear casual clothes and his favourite long, light brown, winter jacket. When he goes through heavier chemotherapy and his hair starts to thin, he will cut it and wear his mother's purple headscarf.

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