Chapter 3

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"I wish you would have told me you were taking me here before we left! I would have dressed nicer if I knew," I said.

Vernon ended up taking me to my favorite Korean BBQ restaurant and he even managed to get us VIP seats without a reservation. He claims that it's because they didn't have a lot of reservations anyway, but the fact he's a celebrity probably helped too.

"If we did then people might be able to recognize us and people will think we're dating," Vernon said.

"Aah, good point."

"So what's going on with you lately. I don't mean it in a rude way but seem...different lately. Like how you ordered vegetable soup instead of your usual marinated beef strips and bimbibap. Joshua used to have to bribe you to get you to eat your vegetables."

I stayed quiet for a few minutes and we got our food. I tried to say that as I got older I started liking vegetables more, but I got a whiff of the soup and Vernon must have saw me scrunch my nose up in disgust.

"You are such a bad liar. Why would you order something you know you don't like," Vernon asked?

"Jaehyun said.... I should eat healthier," I said quietly.

"Why would he say that? And his definition of a healthy diet isn't really accurate considering the company he works under is known for starving their idols," Vernon said a bit frustratedly.

"Let's just drop it, okay? This is clearly making you upset so let's just forget about it," I said.

Vernon seemed worried and he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Why is he such boyfriend material even when he's stressed? Wait? What?! That's such a weird thing to even think! Vernon is my best friend!

Vernon's p.o.v
I really didn't want to make my feelings obvious by ranting on about how Jaehyun is an idiot and he doesn't deserve her. But I couldn't shake this feeling.

She did promise me that she would do what makes her happy. She's not keeping her promise so you can't blame me for being upset.

"I thought you promised me that you would do what makes you happy. When is the last time Jaehyun made you feel happy or at least good about yourself?"

"I can't expect him to always make time for me. He's doing enough just by choosing to stay with me even though he's not supposed to. The least I can do is make him not regret it if he's risking that much."

"He should have known better! My company doesn't have those kind of restrictions, so if his does he knew he would be too busy to manage a real relationship! There's dating restrictions for a reason. Because people like you don't deserve that kind of treatment, and I don't think he cares," I said.

Joanna looked up at me and started to tear up. I immediately felt bad and regretted saying it like that. I probably just put her in a really uncomfortable position because Joanna was lonely by nature so when she cares about someone she can't just let go just like that.

"Jojo, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, but I know he's not making you happy and you promised," I said.

"I know, but just give it more time. He's worked so hard for this, and I don't want to make him feel like he has to choose between me or NCT," Joanna said sniffling.

"If you say so, but don't let him push you around. You don't need to be on any sort of diet," I said.

I could hear the sound of stomping from behind me and I looked. He had a hat, mask, and sunglasses but I knew exactly who it was! Jaehyun, and he looked pissed as he stormed over here.

"Joanna! Am I joke to you or something? I finally get the time to talk and here you are with another man?!"

"Hey, lower your voice dude! You're going to make a scene," I said.

"You stay out of it! Why didn't you answer my texts? I had to go to Pledis to ask your brother where you were," Jaehyun said.

"I forgot to charge my phone when I got back. It must have died and I didn't notice," Joanna said.

Jaehyun still seemed pissed and Joanna was terrified. I hadn't seen them together in years, but I don't remember Joanna ever being so scared around Jaehyun. It made me really worry about what was going on.

"Hey, back off man. You have no right to talk to her like that after everything you've done. Did you stop to think that she might have been sleeping since she just got here today," I asked?

"Joanna Angelica Hong, outside! Now," Jaehyun said in a low threatening voice.

She was about to get up but I stopped her. I stood up and prevented him from trying to grab her by pulling his hand off of her and pushing it away and said,

"Let's take this outside and we'll take it from there. I think we can still try to be rational with each other. Because if her brother knew this is how you've been talking to her when he's not there then he's never going to let you two be alone together ever again."

I held up my phone to show that I had been recording and Jaehyun looked like he was about to rip something in half, but he stepped down. I paid for the food and got to go containers, then we all went somewhere quiet to talk. I made sure he kept his distant from Joanna though.

"Have you been telling him about our relationship? I told you I could get fired if people found out we're dating," Jaehyun said.

"Vernon has been my best friend for years, and I told you that he's an idol just like you so he wouldn't tell," Joanna said.

"I know you talk about her in the 97 liner group chat too. I know this because I remember Joshua saw a text message on Mingyu's phone that was from your group chat. I don't know what you said but I've never seen him so mad. Do you even understand how hard it is to make Joshua mad," I asked?

"Look, I just-!"

"There you go again! Thinking only about yourself! When are you going to start thinking about how she feels?! You seem to have time for everything except for the one person that truly cares about you! She has done nothing but give you everything she has, and you don't even care. Do you," I asked?

It was quiet for a while, until the sound of sniffling was heard. Jaehyun and I looked behind me and Joanna had tears rolling down her face. She cleared her throat and controlled her crying enough so she could say,

"Jaehyun, say something. You do care, right? Do you at least care about me?"

It remained silent and Joanna started crying more.

"I don't think I'm asking for much. Or is that your answer? I guess this is why you called me stupid for suggesting couples counseling. Because there's nothing left worth fixing," Joanna said.

"Babe, of course we're left fixing. I love you, alright," Jaehyun asked in desperation?

"I've been waiting years for you to prove that to me, and I need something more than just empty words. I know you won't ever just say it, but I'm tired of being stringed along. If you don't think we should start seeing other people, then tell me how things are going to start being different by tomorrow night. If not, then let's just agree to go our separate ways," I said.

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