THREE | attracting attention

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▬I woke up groggily the next morning, groaning slightly. Newt was still asleep, lying on top of me, snoring. When I shifted, his eyes fluttered open and he blinked up at me.

"Oh, sorry, didn't mean to wake you," I said sheepishly.

"S'alright." He yawned. "Did'ja have a good sleep?"

"With you next to me, yeah," I said with a playful smile and Newt smiled back shyly. He gave me a peck on the cheek and got up. I crawled out of bed after him and stretched, yawning.

"Are the others up yet?" Newt asked.

"Let's find out."

Newt and I exchanged mischievous glances with each other, then grabbed a pillow each from the beds and opened the door that linked my room to the boys'. We crept in quietly, our footsteps light and soft. I spotted Minho on one of the lower bunk beds and tiptoed over to him.

"Ready?" I whispered to Newt. "One... two... three!"

We smashed our pillows against Minho's head and he jerked awake, slapping us away, still half-asleep. 

"What the shuck, man?" He yelled. When he spotted us, he groaned and slumped back into bed. "Damn you guys."

Newt and I didn't answer - we were both too busy laughing our heads off. The other boys stirred awake from the noise and stared at us through bleary, tired eyes.

"Wus going on?" Thomas mumbled.

"Minho just klunked his pants, that's what's goin' on," Newt laughed.

"Shut up," Minho said, his voice muffled for he had covered his head with his pillow.

"Get up, ya lazy slugs," I said, slapping my pillow at all the other boys. "Clean up and let's head for breakfast. I'm hungry."


The day passed by in a blur; we were taken to the medical room once again for tests and check-ups. Once my brain activity and vital organs were monitored, I was taken to a separate station so that the doctors could check up on the shoulder that they'd healed the previous day. Though the grey-eyed man was nowhere to be seen, the blonde nurse from before was there, her hair tied back again.

When I tried asking her about my memories again, she gave me a confused look and repeatedly replied with how she had no idea what I was talking about. I almost believed her until I noticed the way she avoided looking at me whenever she was questionned. 

She was lying. I could tell.

Something was up with people in this facility, and though I didn't have any proof that they meant me and friends harm, I couldn't help but observe their every movement and word, trying to gauge if their intentions truly were good or not.

That night during dinner, I noticed Thomas seemed particularly quiet.

"Hey." I threw a piece of my celery at him. "You okay there?"

"Yeah, Thomas," Minho said. "You're very boring today."

"Minho, shut up," Newt said. He turned to Thomas. "Tommy, what's wrong? C'mon, say what's on that buggin' mind of yours."

Thomas leaned in so that no one else could eavesdrop on us. "I saw these... I saw these doctors pushing these... these bodies towards a door somewhere yesterday night. It was really sketchy - they looked as if they didn't want anyone else to know what they were doing."

He looked up and met our confused expressions. "I wanna know what's through those doors. I wanna know what these people are really up to."

More confused stares.

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