THIRTEEN | wicked attacks

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I found my friends sitting around in a tent nearby, all of them facing Vince, who sat in front. He was explaining about The Right Arm's operations and their objective, which was to oppose WICKED and rescue as many immunes as they can.

"Am I interupting?" I asked, pushing aside the tent flap.

"No, no, you can join us," Vince said.

I stepped inside and sat down on the empty stool next to Newt. He smiled at me and held my hand.

"Why immunes only?" Minho asked Vince. "What about the non-immunes who still haven't been infected?"

"It'll depend for them," Vince said. "If they're completely free of the Flare and haven't been in any contact with Cranks then they're clear."

I looked away, fidgeting with the hem of my shirt nervously. I still hadn't told him or Mary about Newt and I not being immune. After Vince's reaction to seeing Brenda infected, I didn't even know if telling them would be a good idea.

"So how's Mary gonna cure Brenda?" Frypan asked.

"Good question. Well, she's gonna take some of Thomas' blood and transfer it to Brenda's body. We call this the Bliss. Hopefully the genes in Thomas' blood that renders him immune to the Flare will do the same to Brenda, slowing down the virus before it consumes her completely. It's only temporary and it's a long process, but hey - a small chance is better than no chance."

Vince slapped his knees and got up, meeting each and every one of our gazes. "So! You lot wanna take a shower? Have a change of clothes?"

"Oh, shuck yeah," Minho said, getting up as well. "Lead us to the showers, hermano."

He walked out of the tent and Vince gave us a confused look.

"What was that he called me?" he said, bewildered.

"Hermano," Newt replied, patting his shoulder with an amused smile. "It's something Jorge keeps saying. Don't take it too seriously."

He exited the tent, leaving behind a very puzzled-looking Vince. I stifled a laugh and stepped outside, with Aris, Felix, Frypan and Teresa right behind me. Harriet was waiting for us beside the tent. When she saw us coming out, she came over to us.

"You guys wanna shower?" She gestured. "Right this way."

She led us to the very edge of The Right Arm's base, where two hastily-built cubicles stood at. Sonya was already there, waiting for us. She gave us a friendly smile as we approached.

"Spare clothes are here," she said, nudging the wicker basket on the ground beside her with a foot. "Take your pick. And one cubicle can only fit one person at a time, so all of you will have to take turns."

"Damnit, I was hoping I could shower with Fry over here," Minho said, his face scrunching up in fake disappointment.

Sonya rolled her eyes. "Joke all you want. Just hurry up when you shower. We're having dinner in about an hour or so."

She and Harriet left, leaving us alone with two creaky shower stations and a basket. We rummaged through the wicker basket, sorting through the variety of shirts and pants that they offered. Minho and Frypan went first, going into the cubicles separately. The rest of us sat around outside, waiting. Then Newt and Felix went next, leaving me alone with Aris and Felix. 

I sat to one side, clutching the spare clothes and looking off into the distance. I found myself wondering if Brenda was okay, if Mary was living up to her reputation of being The Right Arm's best doctor. Then I thought back to everything she had told me, about her being my mom's closest friend, about how my mom made her promise to watch over her before disappearing completely, about how Mary joined WICKED just to honour her promise.

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