Chapter #6

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"Mate" the so called Alpha whispered when he laid his eyes on me. Smile forming in his lips.

'No way' That was the first thought that came to my mind after I found my mate.

The sound of music was so loud that she can't hear what Loren was talking. He went near Meg's ears and half shouted.

"This is Alpha Adyyon. " Meg finally was able to hear the words. The Alpha stood in front of them. Meg did not take in his appearance. She held her gaze to the floor. She tightened her grip on Loren's arm just to take some of his energy or to satisfy herself that she has a support.

The smell, it was too strong and she was holding her back from jumping into the Alpha's arms. A loud growl erupted from the figure in front of her. She hid herself behind Loren gripping his end of shirt, feeling safe.

"Meg, you okay love. " Loren asked with a concerned look. Meg shook her head saying she absolutely was not okay.

"Get. Your. Hands. Of. Her. "The Alpha said through clenched teeth. Loren look confused and growled. No one will ever tell him what to do with Megan. She was his and he know exactly what to do.

"Can't you hear me? Get your hands off my mate right this second. "Even with all these music's around, his tone was so clear to be heard. Loren immediately dropped her hand and took a step back.

"WHAT?! "He shook his head in disbelief. This can't be happening. Not now.

"Ren, can we leave this place. Please. "Meg practically begged at him and took a look at the Alpha. He looked at her with a concerned look but she avoided eye contact. This place was not right for them to discuss.

"A-Alpha, we c-can talk outside. We s-should g-go to more p-private place. "Loren has never stuttered this much in his life. He was shaking with all the emotions he was feeling right now.

The Alpha nodded and took hold of Meg's hand. She immediately shook it off and went to Loren's arm to hold it. The Alpha growled but Loren just pulled her towards the door and they reached a private place in the middle of woods. After making sure they were all alone, Loren started the conversation.

"Meg, baby, look at me okay. " Meg just wouldn't look at anyone. She kept her eyes locked to the ground.

"Loren, I'm warning you. One more time you call like that, I will keep you locked up at the basement. "Loren ignored him but Meg shoot her head up and send an irritated look to the Alpha.

"Don't you dare talk to my Loren like that. "Finally she spoke and Loren gave her a smile to calm her down. Her facial expression softened.

The Alpha was taken aback by her words and looked hurt. Her angelic voice should not be talking to her like that. He was not expecting his mate to talk like that. He covered his hurt with a smirk.

"Oh, look. Finally speaking. Would you like to explain what's going on between my mate and you Loren? "Alpha Ady asked in a sarcastic tone.

Loren opened his mouth to be interrupted my Megan. "I love Loren. I can't live without him. I want him. "Meg rushed out the words and Ady gave a shocked look. But for Loren, it was the most satisfying thing that happened. She finally admitted that she loved him. Even with the mate beside her.

Meg felt a pain in her heart but shook it off. This time Loren went to the Alpha to give a proper explanation.

"Ady, I met Megan when I came here for pack business. Since that moment I wanted to be with her that's why I have been missing from the pack. We attached to each other in this few weeks and I was ... I was planning to propose her to marry me today. "He took out the ring that he brought from his savings. Meg had tears in her eyes. Loren just looked at the ring then back at Megan.

"This was the surprise? "She asked him and touched Loren's shoulders. He was serious about her, that she was sure. She can't just let him go now just for the mate she met ten minutes ago.

Ady just stood there like a statue. Watching the drama going in front of him. "So, you were planning to propose your Luna. That can be considered as a crime. "He said emotionless.

"I am not you Luna. I told you, I love this guy. If he wants to marry me, then I'm more than willing to do that. " she said through gritted teeth.

"You are my mate, which obviously make you mu Luna. You can't deny that. If you disagree with this, then I will have you my way. " Ady said in the same tone. He was not used to get rejected by anyone. He was tolerating this girl just because she was his mate and the feeling that she gave him. It was something special that he didn't get from anyone.

Loren was standing there, thinking about anything possible that can help him. Then he finally remembered the most important thing.

"Alpha, you already have Luna Daisy. What will you do with her? " Daisy is his fiancée. They were supposed to get married this year.

Alpha started to panic but Megan was the total opposite. A sign of relief washed through her face. Loren gave her an assuring smile. 'We can be together Megan. I will never let you go' he said to himself.

"You have a fiancée? "

Ady just shook his head. "What am I supposed to do? I'm 25 already. I thought I will never find you. My father forced me to find someone. I had no choice. " Ady was trying his best to convince her but she had no intention to listen to him.

"That's no excuse Alpha. For a mate like Meg, you should be waiting for hundred years. It's worth it. " Loren interrupted to earn a growl from Ady.

"Stay away. " Adu was losing control knowing his mate didn't want him just to be with his beta.

"You Alpha, just made my decision easier. Just stay with one women, will you? " Megan said with a smirk. All of sudden, she felt relieved knowing that she will live with the one she loved.

"What do you mean? " Ady asked in a shaky voice.

Meg smile. "Alpha, I don't want you. "

Alpha, I dont want youWhere stories live. Discover now