1. The Dream

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"Well Supergirl may have saved me but Kara Danvers, you are my hero"

Lena is face to face with Kara. She could feel her breath, a certain warmth that could only radiate from her. Looking into her eyes she was determined to let it happened, whatever it was, whatever it would become. As she closed her eyes Lena's lips lightly touch hers.

"Kara what the hell are you doing?! You said you'd be up early to go to the DEO with me" says Alex pulling the covers off Kara who was sound asleep and had snoozed her alarm 3 times. Kara sits up gasping for air as if life itself had left her. "What time is it?!" Looking at her clock she rushes to the closet ignoring her sister. Why in the hell would she dream of something like that, she felt this strange lingering feeling about it. "Alex have you ever had a... well weird dream about someone in your life?" Sitting on the sofa Alex looks at her sister confused. "Umm yeah, I once dreamt Winn brought a cake to work and didn't share." Kara looks at her and laughs, "I think that happened last month." Finally ready they both head out and ride Alex's motorcycle to the DEO. It wasn't the first time Kara rode on the bike, she even tried to convince her sister to let her borrow it to no avail. As they walk in Brainy greets them with a smile and hugs Kara. "Really I didn't get to say this but congratulations for defeating Reign. Your chances were slim but you were effective." Shaking her head Kara heads upstairs to the conference room where Alex was already debriefing her men. Deciding to wait outside she leans against the guard rail, her mind drifting back to the dream making her slightly blush. Waiting for Kara to respond she finally snaps her fingers which to Kara seemed to echoed all around her. "Hey are you okay? You've been weird since this morning. Is this about that dream you had?" Kara sighs and walks into the conference room. "Yes well, no. Okay I had a dream about Lena." Alex laughs and sighs, "for a second I thought it was bad like your dream about Reign. What's so weird about it? I dream about my friends too." Holding her breath Kara shakes her head. Realizing this was serious Alex takes a seat and pulls a chair for her. Taking a seat she finally breathes only to say, "I dreamt we kissed...". A silence fell over them, both processing what was said. "Like kiss kiss?" Asks Alex only to get a nod and concerned look from her sister. "I mean it's a dream it could have many meanings. Besides you, well Supergirl and her are having some issues maybe that's what it could be." Standing up Kara begins to pace. A couple of minutes pass and Kara takes a deep breath. "I need a break, not like completely off but no big bad guys who want to rule the world for a while." Alex smiles giving her sister a nod. "Now this doesn't mean that if anything big comes up you won't let me know." Hugging her sister Alex responds, "if you need to talk about what's going on, I'm here but I do have to get to work as well as you. I'm surprised James doesn't fire you." Kara rolls her eyes, "very funny, I'll see you tonight for dinner?" Giving her a thumbs up Alex heads downstairs.

-At Catco-

"Well you all know what to do, let's get to it." Says James coming around the front of his desk to see Lena walk in. "Have you seen Kara? I was busy with the whole situation with Samantha I haven't seen her in a couple of days." James nervously fixes his shirt, "oh you know she always tries to get a good story, she's probably- speak of the devil." Kara was looking through her bag for her badge as she got off the elevator. James never understood why Kara still took the bus and the elevator when she could fly. Looking into James office Kara sees Lena smile and wave at her. Giving James a quick kiss she meets Kara outside his office. "Lena what a surprise, umm, how's Samantha?" Giving her a big grin she places a hand on Kara's shoulder. "Well she's doing great running one of my offices out of town, also she says that she's into being a soccer mom now. Not sure what that means but they sound happy." Kara had only heard small bits of what she had said, she needed to distance herself, at least for today. "That's great, well I gotta get to work." Trying to slip away Lena asks her, "are you free this afternoon? I had this reservation for dinner but my business partner cancelled on me, I thought we could catch up." Nervously Kara looks back at her makes and nods. "Great! I'll text you the address and time." She rushes to her desk and looks at her computer in shock. Why did she agree? There goes her plan to stay away. Pulling her phone she texts Alex.

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