2. Another One Gone

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Flying into the DEO, Kara lands on the balcony and heads straight to the command center. "What do you have for me today?" Brainy turns on his chair and quizzically looks at the Super. "There's a couple of thugs in a parks, a few lost dogs and a cat on a tree." Kara crosses her arms, "yeah I won't fall for the cat thing again, last time it was a snake not a cat. Anything big?"

"If I recall correctly, in which I do 99.824 percent of the time, you were on holiday."

"Yes I was, but I'm back."

"I sense you are distressed, something on your mind is keeping you from enjoying your va-ca-tion, and if I am correct I can conclude it involves someone close to you."

"Brainy, not now."

Taking his seat he looks at his computer screen. "If it is the case, you are welcome to confide in me."

"Supergirl I'm glad you decided to come in today, I need you to investigate this." From her tablet Alex pulls up the information and shows it on the screens in front of them. "Gasteu Prosef, young scientist who worked at the University of Michigan. Dead behind the alley of this factory, only lead we have is this video." She plays the video showing a black SUV and a man looking straight into the camera, she pauses the video. "Brainy can you bring anything up with this?"

"As I told Kara I do function at a 99.824 percent, this is what you would call a stroll at the park."

"Walk in the park, can you do it?"

"Done, this man's name is Robert Griffin, former scientist at L Corp. Father recently passed away, known to had worked with cadmus. Seems to be the reason he was fired."

"Supergirl do you think you could..."

"Yeah, I'll go pay Lillian Luthor a visit. She might be willing to help."

Headed to the balcony Kara is stopped by Alex. "Look what happened last night with you and... well don't go easy on Lillian. We need answers." Kara takes off, as soon as she arrives to the prison she is let in to the visitors room. As she walks in she is surprised to see Lena speaking with her mother. They both look at each other before being interrupted by Lillian. "I hope I'm not interrupting you two but what brings Supergirl's visit."

"I'm here to get some information."

"It isn't enough she's imprisoned, you still have to question her. I thought your DEO would figure things out."

"Lena I dont think this is the time for this..."

"Who do you need information about?" They both look quizzical at Lillian. "What? Can't a woman change in prison?"

"Luthors don't change mother."

"You're wrong, believe it or not, I have seen my wrong doings. My daughter, who I've neglected and used has come to visit me multiple times. I know I have to change, might as well start now."

"Tell me about Robert Griffin."

"Him? He was a brute. Used him only for his knowledge of nanotechnology, why?"

"He seems to be implicated in the death of Gasteu Prosef, we still don't know why."

"I was going to meet with Gasteu Prosef last night but he cancelled."

"Is there any documents you have that can help the investigation?"

"Why would I help you?" Says Lena getting up from her seat.

"A man died Lena...this is not about us."

"Mother I'll see you another day." She says grabbing her purse walking out, Supergirl follows her and grabs her by her arm. "Lena stop! How many times do I have to say sorry?"

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