3. Confessions

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[A week has passed]

-At Kara's Apartment-

"Has Lena said anything about the attack since it happened?" Asked Alex as she tried to steal one of Kara's potstickers.

"No, she broke up with James and hasn't been around Catco much."

"Why not go pay her a visit?"

"Not a bad idea, but I'll go after I finish these potstickers." She says as she grabs another two.

-At L Corp Later That Day-

As soon as Kara walked into Lena's office Lena's face lit up. So much happening lately. She had missed her, she had contemplated on whether or not to call her. Holding up a a bag with Lena's favorite burger, they both smile at each other. Getting up from her desk she makes her way to her and hugs her.

"I've missed you so much."

"I can say the same, you kind of disappeared."

"I thought I would give James some time."

"Yeah he's been distant with me too, I've left him alone as well."

They both take a seat and take out their burgers.

"Any news on the guy who attacked your building?"

"Actually I've had my people investigate, seems he's visited my mother multiple times."

"Have you told supergirl?" Asked Kara taking a bite of her burger. You could see how cautious she was at asking the question.

"No, and I don't intend to. She's always sticking her business where she shouldn't."

"Maybe she just cares for you."

"Yeah, well she didn't seem to care when I needed to help Samantha."

They both continue eating, catching up and talking about work. Lena always seemed to relax around her. Kara noticed that Lena kept looking at her lips, trying to not feel awkward she would try and keep Lena talking about anything.

"Well it was great catching up but work needs me."

"Kara Danvers, a superhero of her own. Maybe dinner tonight?"

"Umm yes, totally."

"Great, I'll text you." She says giving Kara a hug.

-At the DEO-

Brainy had been very happy since the start of the day. Which was odd since he was always so annoying. Alex asked around to figure out why he was acting that way until finally she gave in and decided to ask him.

"So Brainy how is your day?"

"Director Danvers, I think you have noticed how happy I have been all morning, I do want to tell that it is for a good reason. Though I have calculated you have tried to find out but was left with no choice but to ask me."

"Spit it out already."

"I have made a software that will track the specific signal of the nanobots, any minute now we will get results."

"Good job, let's call in Supergirl, she'll want to be here."

Just as she said that Kara walked in with a smile on her face. Taking a deep breath she says, "no need, I'm here."

"Seems it went well with Lena."

"Yeah it did, also we need to keep a closer eye on Lillian."

"Why is that?"

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