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-In Smallville-

"So Lena, how has it been dating a super?"

"Lois you should know better than anyone."

"The reporter in me wants details."

Walking in to the kitchen both Clark and Kara place the spark plugs on the kitchen table. Both covered in grease as if they had rolled in a tub full it.

"Okay, nope. Both of you go clean up." Says Loise wanting to laugh.

"You two are like children, we can't look away for a minute because you get yourselves in a mess." Says Lena as she pulls the trash can over to the table and throws the spark plugs. "I thought you were just going to check on the barn."

"In our defense we managed to fix the truck." Says Clark

"Okay wow, we? If I recall I was the one who had the idea of changing the oil, spark plugs and fixing the breaks." Says Kara crossing her arms.

"Shhh they weren't supposed to know." He says laughing.

"Not so super now Mr. Kent. Now both of you go clean up."

They both bicker as they head upstairs. Lena and Lois clean up the kitchen and set up for dinner.

"Did you even imagine this? Loving a super?" Asks Lois.

"No. I imagined me and Kara, in a small apartment living normal lives. Then I found out she was a super and well here I am." Placing the plates and utensils on the table.

"I agree. I was surprised when Clark told me. I had already fallen head over heels for him, I didn't much care. I did always worry." Sneaking up behind her Clark hugs her from behind.

"I'll always be careful though, I need to come back to you." He says kissing her neck.

With a smile Lena excuses herself and heads upstairs to their bedroom. She could hear Kara was still in the shower. Inside the restroom she slowly undressed trying to be as quiet as she can. Stepping in to the shower she sees Kara rinsing out her hair. Her hands make their way to her waist and pulls her close.

Opening her eyes, surprised and blushing, "Miss. Luthor, what brings you around here?"

"Well you were taking too long and I got worried." She replied as she places a strand of hair behind Kara's ear.

Bitting her lip Kara can't help but to look at Lena's body. Getting closer Lena moves her hair and begins to kiss her shoulder and her neck. All that Kara can do is run her hands through Lena's hair. Softly pushing her against the wall Kara pins her against it. Taking Lena by surprise, she bites her lip.

"Miss. Danvers, whatever you have in mind I'd suggest waiting until after dinner."

"You're gonna make me wait?" She says softly bitting Lena's neck.

"Mm-mhm, dinner will be ready any minute now."

Letting her go Kara picks her up and carries her over to the bed. "Fine I'll wait." Wrapping her arms around Kara she places her ear to her chest. She loved feeling the warmth that came from her, she love hearing her heart beat. "We gotta put some clothes on if we are having dinner." Says Kara with a smile, softly kissing the top of Lena's head. "Yeah just one more minute like this."

After changing they both head downstairs as if nothing had happened. All the girls get together and help make the salad and mashed potato while Clark was out grilling the steaks. Once ready they all served their plates and sat down to eat.

"Lois, Clark, I want to thank you for having us this week."

"It was a pleasure, anytime you and Kara need some time away from the city life just give us a call."

"Thank you, we will. I love being able to spend time with my cousin. And enjoying the peace and quiet of the farm is an extra."

They all laugh and converse for the rest of the afternoon. Lois and Lena decide to leave the dishes to Clark and Kara while they enjoy the sunset. Of course they finished in a fraction of the time and headed out to join them. Lena had been terrified on their way to Smallville, she wasn't sure Clark would welcome her into his home. Though she had nothing to worry about, after talking to him and hearing his side of the story she got a better sense of how far her brother could go. She did apologize in his behalf and he thanked her, not only for caring for Kara but for trying to redeem her family's name. Looking at Kara she couldn't help but smile.

"See something you like Miss. Luthor?" Asked Kara with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Okay, that is our cue to go. You two rest, we'll see you in the morning. Good luck Kara." Says Clark as he and Lois head inside.

"Good luck Kara? What was that about?"

"Oh you know, Clark is umm weird." She replies nervously.


"I've got something to show you." She says standing up and holding her hand out to Lena.

"Alright, lead the way." Grabbing her hand she gets pulled close to Kara and carried bridal style.

"Hold on tight." Says Kara with a smile.

Wrapping her arms around Kara's neck she kisses her cheek. Taking off Kara flies above the farm, heading slightly south. The sunset looked beautiful from that high up. Gently landing next to what seemed to be a crater.

"Kara? What is this?"

"This is where my pod landed. When I first arrived on earth. I was a young naive girl who had lost it all. I had been lost in space for years, alone in the tight space of the pod. For years I had nightmares of it, being back in there, lost again. Though I had lost it all, I also gained a new loving family, friends. I found the job that I love and found my purpose in life. I never counted on meeting you."

Lena walked around the crater inspecting it. "The Luthor's always have surprises." She replies with a smile.

"You're not wrong, as soon as me and Clark walked into your office that first time we met. You took my breath away, you helped me decide into which water I wanted to dive. From that moment on I wanted nothing more than to protect you and love you."

"Though we have had our rough patches, you know I'll always be here for you." Lena grabs Kara's hand.

"Lena you changed my life, for the longest time I pretended to be tough, for my friends and family. My love life was a wreck, my job was not that bad. You came along and made feel vulnerable again, I was afraid. Afraid that I'd end up alone in the dark again, feeling the pain of knowing it was inevitable."

"Kara, you know I will always be by your side, look you may have lost so much and I understand that pain. This world has given you so much more. It has given both of us so much, I want to be part of this journey with you."

Taking out a small ring, Kara takes a deep breath. "Good, Lena Luthor, would you do me the honors of calling you my wife? Enjoying the rest of our lives together and proving to the world that a Luthor and a Super can love?"

Without worlds Lena covers her mouth and nods her head before throwing herself at Kara. Hugging her as tight as she can. Pulling apart Lena reads the inscription within the ring, My Love, My Kryptonite, she puts it on and kisses Kara.

-A month later back in Kara's apartment-

"Kara krypto just chewed your favorite shoes." She says picking up the puppy.

"Could you put him in his kennel, I'm running late for work."

Placing him in his kennel, Lena gives the puppy a treat. Looking at Kara who was still wearing her pajamas she couldn't help but giggle.

"What's so funny?" She says with the toothbrush still in her mouth.

"You do realize its your day off right?" Sitting on the bed as she pulls Kara by her shirt towards her.

"It is?"

"Mhm, remember you asked for today off because we were taking krypto to the vet for the first time."

"So that means we can lay in bed for a while longer?" She replies wrapping her arms around Lena's neck.

"For as long as you want." She replies as the both give in to a passionate kiss, slowly falling back into the bed.

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