4. Broken

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"Your glasses take them off, and your hair, let it down."

"Why? I mean I'll do it but....why?"

"Kara...please... just do it."

Grabbing her glasses Kara takes them off as she let's down her hair. Unable to look into Lena's eyes she knows what is going on.

Lena feelings overwhelmed her. Anger at the lies, hurt at the betrayal, love towards someone she thought she knew. Unable to find any other words she asks,"Why?"

"Lena it's complicated."

"No. It's not that complicated. Tell me why you didn't say anything to me. All this time. How many people know?"

"...only a handful at most."

"Do I know these handful of people?"


"Kara!!! Do I know these people?!"

"Yes, but it is not their fault. They kept the secret because I asked them to."


"Lena I, the more that people know the more danger they are exposed to..."

"Don't give me excuses Kara! Why?!.. after I trusted you! I trusted you with my life!.... with my heart!"


"Kara don't... I can't do this..."

"Lena let me explain..."

"Kara Go. Away.... please just go."

Holding back tears Lena stands her ground, crossing her arms she watches Kara leave. She sits at her desk and as if hit by a wall she feels all her emotions take over. Finally the tough exterior she portrayed brakes as she silently cries.

-At the DEO-

"Well have a goodnight everyone. Brainy since you always stay late, make sure this time the break room is actually cleaned up." Says Alex as she takes off her ear piece.

With a nod Brainy acknowledges her and goes back to watching a movie on the the tablet. As Alex heads to the elevator Kara comes out ignoring her and heads straight to the training room. Unable to hold her anger and pain she begins to hit the wall, harder and harder each time. Screaming, her eyes begin to glow red, ready to explode. Alex runs in hearing the commotion and sees her sister about to destroy the training room. She runs up to her and hugs her tight, both ending on the floor.

"...she found out.... She knows. I knew I should of told her... she hates me. Lillian was right, she will hate me." Unable to stop the crying Alex just sits there holding her sister. "How can I fix this?... I don't want to lose her... I can't..."

"Give her time Kara. Just give her time." Holding her sister they spend the next hour just sitting on the floor.

-A Week Later at Catco-

"How about Supergirl missing in action," suggests a reporter.

Shaking his head James gets up from his desk, "she has disappeared before, she will come back. Until she does we will keep up the hope. At least that is what Cat did."

"I like the headline he suggested, she has been gone since the incident last week." Says Lena walking in, the room grows quiet as she gives James a smile.

"You're all dismissed, and change that headline."

Taking a seat on the sofa she takes a deep breath, "has she shown up?"

"If you mean Kara, no she hasn't."

"I don't see why we have to keep pretending they are two different people...."

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