5. A New Start

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"Miss. Luthor...your mother is here.." says Eve.

"Oh you don't need to announce me in, I'm her mother, by now I should be able t just waltz in."

Lena gets up from her desk, "you have the guts to show your face here? The whole city is looking for you."

"My dear I have my ways. I'm here to tell you about Supergirl, no Kara." She chuckles. "Whatever you want to call her, I heard you finally found out. Us Luthors can not trust a super. I'm surprised you hadn't figured it out before."

"Maybe I'm not as smart as everyone thinks I am."

"Maybe. Or maybe you just didn't want to admit that you knew all along. Look I'd like for you to come with me. I have a special gift for you."

"Depends on the gift...mother."

"It's something you'll love... revenge."

"You can keep your gift."

"No no. This isn't how it's gonna play out. You'll come with me or dear Kara will suffer the consequences."

Staying silent for a moment Lena breaks a smile. "What makes you think I care for her at all?"

"Because I know you were the one who tipped of the DEO about me. I expected some resistance but betrayal, never from you..."

"You should know be better than that mother, I'm not your dear Lex."

"So will you come with me?"

With hesitation in her voice Lena says "Lead the way."

-At The DEO-

"I want Supergirl found!" Yells Alex at the top of her lungs.

Trying to comfort her Brainy brings her a cup of tea. Deciding to leave her alone he sits at his spot and looks at the computer.

"Brainy... why aren't you looking for her?"

"I am, I'm running this new software that will pinpoint the last known location of her using any camera available and listening devices."

"What are the chances it will find her?"

"97.985%. It will find her."

-Underground Bunker At The Docks-

Lillian leads Lena to a empty room. With a smile she touches the wall and it disappears to reveal a room full of weapons and equipment.

"Why didn't I know about this bunker?"

"Your brother kept so many secrets my dear. I want to show you something." Grabbing a black box she places it in front of Lena. "Open it."

Lena opens the box to find a golden dagger. About the size of a kitchen knife. Both the blade and the handle were made out of what seemed to be gold. "What is this?"

"Bring it with us, you'll need it." Said Lillian as she lead Lena into another room. Pitch dark, it would be hard to see inches away from you. "Lena, this is your gift." She says as the lights turn on to reveal Supergirl tied to a bed that is imbedded with Kryptonite.

"Kara..." said Lena feeling this twisted feeling in her gut. She had to play her cards right. "You want me to kill Supergirl?"

"Yes, but for that you will need to take her powers away."

"How? That's impossible"

"Supergirl, would you like to explain."

Unable to move Kara sheds a tear, she looked very weak. "Lena...don't...do...it.... don't fall... into.... the same... darkeness.. as your family has..."

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