Chapter two ~ new allies

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In the middle of a forest, two figures sat near a river. One of them was a tall woman, with warm brown eyes and green hair, that practically floated behind her back. Her top was made of grass and roots, while her long skirt were huge petals. Her green hair was also decorated with leaves and flowers.

The smaller of the two, had short purple hair, that covered one of her grey eyes. She wore a grey and black hoodie and black trousers. Around her neck was a purple striped scarf, wich nearly had the same colors like a little snake, the girl had in her lap.

"Do you think you can hold it back a bit more, lady Flora?" The purple haired girl asked. "No." The green haired woman panted. "The beast is going to destroy everything! Yume, go and get the girl you saw and convince her to fight me, until you found the spirit of this forest!" "I see what I can do, my goddess!" The girl bowed and slowly faded into the shadows.

Ink slowly began to open her eyes. 'I had this kind of dream again.' She thought, rubbing her mismatched eyes a bit. She often had dreams were a green haired woman, named Flora and a girl with purple hair, whose name is Yume, talked about a beast and the destruction of the world. Even if Ink could swear that she never met one of them before, they seemed familiar to her.

"You okay, princess?" A voice asked. Ink sat up and realized that she was laying on the floor, Prince Error right next to her. Turning to the source of the voice, the princess, recognized the royal judge Honey immediately. "Y-yes!" She stuttered, looking around a bit confused. "Where are we?"

"Not sure. We all got knocked out by Nightmare's attack." The tall skeleton replied, holding out his hand for the princess. The white haired girl took it, thanking the judge and examining the room further.

It was a rather small room, with dull white walls and a wooden floor. A brown couch was in one of the corners and a table was placed in the middle of the room. Around it were six chairs and on one of them sat Prince Fresh, with a bored expression.

"Ink! You're up!" A voice exclaimed. Said princess looked at the couch, were the voice came from, and saw Dream sitting on it, her personal servant next to her. Ink smiled "Dream, thank god you're okay!"

"She's not completely fine." The servant said. "Killer please! I'm only feeling a bit dizzy, that's nothing to worry about!" Dream whined. "Oh yes it is! As your personal servant, I have to make sure nothing happens to you! I already wasn't there to protect you, when your brother attacked, I don't want you to get hurt even more!" Killer spoke slightly overdramatic.

Ink giggled slightly, as she looked down at Error. "Is ma bro still knocked out?" Fresh asked, staring at the black haired prince's body, after standing up. The princess nodded and kneeled down beside him. She carefully took Errors head and placed it into her lap. Fresh raised an eyebrow, but didn't question it, sitting back into his chair.


Fell's PoV

I slowly opened my eyes, sighing slightly. I got up, stretched me a bit, wandering off to a river afterwards. I drank a bit of the very clear water, before inhaling deeply and putting my head into it. After my little refreshments, I tied my now wet hair into a bun and got up.

I looked at the princess. Lying under a tree curled into my jacket, she was sleeping peacefully. Wich I think she deserved, I mean, she lost her father yesterday and is far away from the rest of her family and friends. She even cried after we went to sleep... I kinda ask myself how she was able to hold back her tears for so long. Probably because she doesn't want to show her weakness, yeah that sounds like her.

I sighed and slowly made my way over to her sleeping figure. "Hey wake up!" I said, while shaking her slightly. "I don't wanna..." She grumbled. "But you have to!" I exclaimed. "Nuuu..." I inhaled deeply, before an idea popped into my mind while exhaling.

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