Chapter three ~ mistake

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On a small Island, a girl, in a lab coat and with glasses placed on her nose, slowly walked down a street. Her eyes looked at the ground in front of her and sometimes a tear would find its way down her cheek, wetting it slightly.

She protectively hugged a bunch of papers, as she took one step after another, when she, all of the sudden, bumped into someone. "Hey, watch where you're going, you piece of shit!" The stranger yelled. "I'm sorry." She whimpered, lowering her head even more, so her white hair covered her eyes.

"Are you calling this an apology?! Get on your knees and beg for mercy! You got this?!" They yelled, kicking her into the stomach. She fell onto her butt, coughing a bit and more tears began to ran down her cheeks. "HEY, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" An unknown, but to the girl somehow familiar, voice yelled.

~some hours before, at the castle~

"When that isn't the personal maid of the dear princess." Nightmare chuckled menacing. "Let's get straight to the point, where is the princess?" The maid that cowered in front of him didn't reply, she only stared at him monotonously.

"Weren't you taught any manners?" The prince growled. "I was, but my mother also taught me, that I'm not supposed to answer important questions from enemy." She replied. "Also, why do you ask me? Shouldn't you be smart enough to figure out that I have no clue where she went, since I only helped her escape."

"Raspberry!" Nightmare yelled, ignoring Lust's comment. The skeleton with the cocky attitude quickly bowed and said "Yes, your majesty?" "Find a way to make her obey you, I don't care how you do it." A sadistic grin spread across Raspberry's face. "With pleasure.~" He replied, making Lust sweat slightly.


After the boats arrived at the ship, the seven skeletons climbed out of it and Reaper, Dust and Blue began to unpack the supplies they bought, while Papyrus yelled for someone. "SANS?! WHERE ARE YOU SANS, WE'RE BACK!"

He walked away and the female skeletons began to help the other three males. "Welcome onboard our lazy ship, lasses!" Reaper said, after they finished. "Is that the name of this ship?" Fell asked. "Meh, we're just calling it lazy ship, it actually doesn't have a name. Yet." The captain replied.

'This ship has three masts, with each of them having three sails and the tallest one has the crows nest on it. It also has eight front canons, two lifeboats, two anchor and with this ship size about 30 canons on each side.' Fell thought while observing the ship. 'When we came here I also saw that it has a prow and that the figurehead is a raven. Do they seriously don't have a name?! Wow, I had luck that my royal guard training included practice with ships... wait a minute!'

There were a few moments silence, before Fell chuckled "No wonder, you probably never left this bay!" Dust tilted his head. "No, we actually sailed a lot, why do you think it never moved?" He asked, while sitting onto a box.

Fell stared at him confused. "What?! You're probably just 5 people, how do you move this ship?! It would need at least 60 men to do so!" She exclaimed. "Oh, well you see I've got a lot of tricks up my sleeves." Reaper chuckled.

Suddenly a ghostly figure appeared out of the blue and made their way to one of the three masts. "What the heck?!" The female sharp teethed skeleton exclaimed, while Cross only stared. "That's an interesting kind of magic..." Yuki, who took of her hood when they came aboard, commented, with an unreadable face expression.

"It sure is." An unknown voice agreed. The skeleton with the red scarf jumped a bit, when a skeleton, wearing a blue jacket and black shorts, teleported right next to her. "SANS, WHERE WERE YOU?!" Papyrus loud voice exclaimed from the other voice of the deck. "In the crow's nest, bro, like always." Sans replied, studying the three newcomers. "Who are you?"

"I'm Yuki. From you brothers yelling I assume your name is Sans?" Said skeleton replied. "Yup, that's right. Also, is your eye alright?" Sans gave her a questioning look. "Holy-, What happened to you?!" Dust exclaimed when he noticed the glitch.

"I am completely fine! I also don't think it's necessary to tell you my life story, because the next time you drop the anchor our ways are going to be separate again." She answered annoyed. Fell nudged the other female and hissed "Don't you think you're too cold to them?"

Yuki only rolled her eyes, making her friend sigh. "Wait a minute, I recognize you!" Sans exclaimed, eyeing Fell a bit closer. "You're Fell, right? What are you doing here? Aren't you part of the royal guard?"

Suddenly everyone, besides Yuki, stared at her, mostly shocked. "I was, but I left them and before you ask, I won't tell you why!" Fell growled annoyed. "Oh, what was that about being too cold?" Yuki teased, with a huge grin. "Shut up." Was the edgy skeletons only reply. "Make me!"

Fell growled, summoning a sharp bone and holding it under Yuki's chin. "Are you challenging me?" The other asked with a grin. "Absolutely!" The former royal guard member replied with a smirk.

"Alright! Cross, will you be our referee?" The skeleton, wearing a red scarf asked. "Do you think a fight here is okay?" Cross replied, looking at captain Reaper. "As long as you don't destroy anything it's fine." He answered shrugging.

"Alright." Yuki said and inhaled deeply before setting her hand onto the ground, mumbling something. Suddenly dome appeared, closing Fell and Yuki in. "Everything that is inside of this dome won't get damaged if it's hit by anything." The princess explained.

"Okay, since you two are fighting, how about we're preparing everything for our departure?" Dust suggested. "Alright, weight the anchor and set the sails! And lively!" Reaper yelled, summoning more of the ghostly figures. "Aye cap'n!" The crew yelled.

Blue began to climb into the crow's nest, while Sans and Reaper walked steering wheel. Papyrus made his way under deck with Dust to stow all the boxes they just brought here.

"Alright, the battle between Yuki and Fell, begins now!" Cross yelled, signaling the start of the fight. Yuki immediately launched a few bone attacks at Fell, who blocked them with her own sharpened ones.

Yuki used that and teleported behind her friend, before summoning another bone and aiming for her head. The edgy skeleton luckily noticed it and leaned forward, wich caused that the other lost a bit of her balance.

Fell took that as an advantage to grab her friends still outstretched arm, pulling her closer and throwing the skeleton with the red scarf forwards onto the floor. "Ouch..." she coughed.

"You okay?" Fell asked concerned, stooping a bit. "Yeah, you just surprised me, that's all." Yuki laughed. "Hey, if you need to catch your breath, just tell me! I know it's been a long time since you fought the last time!" "Don't worry I'm just fine, my friend!"

After Yuki ended her sentence, she teleported again behind the skeleton with scarlet eyes and pushed her down. "Gotcha!" She exclaimed with a smile. "Why do I always fall for that old trick?!" Fell groaned into the ground.

"Who knows?" Yuki grinned, but suddenly she began to cough heavily. "Ge- er Yuki?!" Cross shouted, when the dome disappeared. "Cross go and get freshwater, she needs it!" Fell ordered. Cross nodded and quickly rushed to Reaper, who seemed to discuss something with Sans.

"We need freshwater!" She yelled, getting the two males attention. "Why?" Sans asked. "I don't know. Geno began coughing and Fell said that she needs it!" "Okay, I'm gonna get it!" Sans exclaimed, before teleporting, while Reaper looked at Cross confused.

"Who's Geno?"

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